Providing Fair and Equitable Access on a Shoestring WACRAO Annual Conference Green Bay, Wisconsin Presenter: Natalya Gerasimova, Mount Mary University
Introduction Short Description of Mount Mary University Define the Problem Define Access Limitations Surprises Areas to cover Forms Class accessibility In person Online Web accessibility Checklist Inexpensive/Free tools Some tools MMU uses Tegrity-lecture capture Microsoft Dragon (is it up to date) Off site transcription services-have to put in pod cast/MP3 file for soundtrack Close captioning of videos not included due to price LYNC testing right now – should be able to transcribe your voice messages
Try to set up a meeting with John Zorbini Meeting with Marci-Natalia Microsoft Maybe have a talk with Kari Don’t always see the larger picture How are faculty trained, informed?
Mount Mary University Four-year nonprofit private university for women founded in 1913 and sponsored by the School Sisters of Notre Dame Located on a beautiful, 80-acre campus in metropolitan Milwaukee, Wisconsinmetropolitan Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1,385 total students, 860 undergraduate and 525 graduate. More than 30 undergraduate majors and 8 graduate programs. The average class size is 12 to 20 students Faculty to student ratio is 1:13
Mount Mary University Disability Services Size of Disability Services Office- 1 (part-time) Size of IT Staff to support Disability Services – 1 (part-time) Budget for Disability Services
From the Mount Mary web site: Accessibility Services Mount Mary University is committed to providing equal opportunities in higher education to academically qualified students with disabilities. If you have a recognized physical, learning, sensory or psychological disability or medical impairment, you can access tools and resources to help you master course content. Mount Mary’s accessibility services coordinator can help you determine and address your needs, but Mount Mary does not offer a specialized curriculum for persons with disabilities nor specialized disability advisers.
Accommodations and Services provided by Mount Mary University: Depending on the nature of the disability, students at Mount Mary have access to tools and resources designed to be supportive and promote the development of self-advocacy skills while maintaining fundamental academic integrity and standards. These services include: Academic Accommodations such as preferential seating in class, taped lectures, volunteer note-takers, textbooks in alternative formats, enlargements of syllabus and class handouts; Adaptive Technology such as FM System, WindowEyes, Kurzweil Reader, Dragon Naturally Speaking Test/Quiz Accommodations such as readers, scribes, extended time, calculator, computers in our Student Success Center.