Features of Project-Based Science Driving Questions Investigations Collaboration Artifacts Technology
PROJECT-BASED SCIENCE Features of DQ’s Feasible - students should be able to design and perform investigations to answer the question Worthwhile - contains rich science content and process Contextualized - anchored in the lives of learners (real-world) Meaningful - interesting and exciting to learners Sustainable - should sustain learners’ interest over time
PROJECT-BASED SCIENCE Sources of DQs Teacher-Generated Personal Experiences Curriculum Create a bank of DQs Hobbies Media Student-Generated
PROJECT-BASED SCIENCE Types of Science Questions (p. 100) Descriptive - find out about observable characteristics Relational - find out associations between characteristics Cause and Effect - make inferences about how one variable affects another
PROJECT-BASED SCIENCE PBS - Investigations Science Inquiry-Based Planning and Conducting Experiments Finding Information (web searches) Collecting Data Analyzing and Interpreting Information and Data Sharing Findings
PROJECT-BASED SCIENCE PBS - Collaboration Listening Sharing Debating Risk Taking Respecting Questioning Others Clarifying Elaborating
PROJECT-BASED SCIENCE PBS - Artifacts....representation of knowledge gained. Models Posters Written Reports Multimedia Products Classroom Presentations
PROJECT-BASED SCIENCE PBS - Technology Data Sharing ( ) Data Visualization (graphs) Data Analysis (spreadsheets) Artifact Development (presentations) Information Access (web) Communication With Others ( )
PROJECT-BASED SCIENCE Value of Technology for Student Learning Actively engages students in the learning process. Allows for open exploration and information gathering. Provides dynamic visuals. Allows for collecting, graphing, interpreting and analyzing scientific data.
PROJECT-BASED SCIENCE Technology Types to Support PBS Word Processors Spreadsheets Web Searches Experts Digital Cameras Multimedia Presentations HTML-Web Postings