School-wide Positive Behavior Support (PBS)
Positive Behavior Support… Aims to build effective environments in which positive behavior is more effective than problem behavior Is a collaborative, assessment-based approach to developing effective interventions for problem behavior Emphasizes the use of proactive, teaching, and reinforcement – based strategies to achieve meaningful and durable behavior and lifestyle outcomes
Why School-wide PBS? Over 7000 schools in the United States are implementing PBS because it… Can be adapted to fit your particular school Can coexist with most other school-wide programs Is consistent with research-based principles of behavior
PBS “Big Ideas” Positive Behavior Support is an approach for teaching children appropriate behavior and providing the supports necessary to sustain that behavior. PBS is not a curriculum - it is a framework for systems to identify needs, develop strategies and evaluate practice toward success.
NCLB & IDEA 2004 Federal legislation has redefined the “educational landscape,” with the expectation that we address both academic and behavioral aspects of student performance.
Organizational Features Common Vision Common Language Common Practices School Community
Team that is representative of the staff Behavioral expectations are clearly defined and taught Continuum of procedures for supporting positive and addressing negative behavior Continuous monitoring and review for effectiveness Data-driven decision- making EssentialFeatures of PBS Obtain and maintain faculty support
LCPS Commitment to PBS Annual Team Training with National Consultants Stipends and sub coverage for teachers PBS Coach as Facilitator Booster Sessions Staff Surveys District-level Support
Additional Information Contact: Cathy Shwaery, Behavior Support Coordinator Resources: (Pupil Services)