Brantwood Behaviors Respectful Responsible Honest Caring
PBS KICK OFF Highlight 1 Brantwood Behavior each day – staff and students wear shirt of corresponding color. Family poster contest – highlighting 1 or all BW behaviors. Kick off assembly on Friday. –Captain Character –Bus Drivers
Caught Being Good Tickets Students are given tickets for displaying Brantwood Behaviors. used as a learning opportunity - teachers indentify which behavior student displayed. Students can “spend” tickets each week.
Ticket Redemption Tangible and non-tangible choices Progressing levels –Incentives to save tickets 25 Ticket Club Lunch with Mr. Borchers Super-Hero
Celebrations! Perfect Attendance Positive Bus Character Homework Reward Cafeteria Character
Additional PBS Acknowledgements P.E. Awards monthly and quarterly Weekly Music awards Library Character awards quarterly “Teacher Caught Being Fabulous!” –Prizes awarded each staff meeting Public “shout outs” of all awards/achievments, etc on daily morning announcements (25 ticket club, Lunch buddies, cafeteria character, bus character, etc).
Maintenance PBS Team consists of Therapist, PE teacher, IS teacher, 1 rep from each grade level. Team meets regularly (quarterly) Ongoing monitoring and/or assessment of current PBS rewards, implementation, etc.