April 2009 Copyright © 2006 Mississippi Department of Education 1 Positive Behavior Specialist.


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Presentation transcript:

April 2009 Copyright © 2006 Mississippi Department of Education 1 Positive Behavior Specialist

April 2009 Copyright © 2006 Mississippi Department of Education 2 Overview Students with disabilities whose behavior interferes with their learning or the learning of others must be provided behavioral interventions; therefore, the IEP Committee is required to address interventions on each student’s IEP when behavior is considered a factor in providing educational services. This includes children whose disabilities impact their behaviors, such as children with autism or traumatic brain injury, children with low cognitive ability, and children with learning disabilities who exhibit behaviors that impact their participation in the regular education environment.

April 2009 Copyright © 2006 Mississippi Department of Education 3 Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) A functional behavior assessment (FBA) must be conducted and positive behavior interventions must be addressed when students with disabilities are removed from their current placements for more than 10 days due to discipline problems and when weapons or drugs are involved in a discipline matter. To assist with conducting these assessments, a positive behavior specialist (PBS) is needed.

April 2009 Copyright © 2006 Mississippi Department of Education 4 Requirements A positive behavior specialist is a licensed professional with specialized training and experience in behavior management and positive behavior interventions in the educational setting. Individuals who may satisfy the requirements to become a PBS include psychologists, teachers, counselors who hold a valid, professional license from Mississippi Department of Education or other State Agency. Other professionals such as social workers may also have specialized training and experience in behavior management and in designing positive interventions in the educational setting.

April 2009 Copyright © 2006 Mississippi Department of Education 5 Intent to Not Utilize form Submit this form if your district will not utilize the funds allocated. Form must be signed and dated by the Supervisor of Special Education. Form is due to the Office of Special Education on August 28, 2009.

April 2009 Copyright © 2006 Mississippi Department of Education 6 Request for Positive Behavior Specialist Fill in the district name and district code. Fill in the name of the PBS. Fill in the number of days or projected number of hours to provide services. Fill in the projected total amount of funds (your district’s allocated amount).  Each district’s allocation is calculated based on a percentage of the average daily attendance and the December 1 Child Count with a ratio of one specialist per 1,000 students. Fill in the qualifications of the specialists. Attach the required documents Form must be signed and dated by the superintendent. Once the request has been approved, an approval letter along with a copy of the request form will be sent to the district. Note: If the individual that you are requesting has not been previously approved, submit all of the required documents with your request. A current professional license is required each year. All monies must be drawn by February 12, 2010.