1 Positive Behavior Support (PBS ) Employment Services Organization Advisory Committee Meeting April 11, 2006 Joseph Ashley, Rh.D. Office of Grants and Special Projects Patricia Goodall, Ed.S. Brain Injury & Spinal Cord Injury Services
2 POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT (PBS) GOALS FOR ESOAC PRESENTATION: Provide overview of Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Describe status of “endorsement” process for PBS Facilitators in Virginia Discuss applicability of PBS for ESO vendorship opportunities
3 PBS is a comprehensive, functional approach to behavior change that combines the principles and practices of applied behavior analysis (research-based) Development of a “team” of individuals who “support” the individual in the process of behavior change Teach individual and his/her “support team” skills and responses that reduce or eliminate problem behaviors What is PBS?
4 What is PBS? (continued) Person-centered process based on values of inclusion and self-determination Improves quality of life of individuals with behavioral challenges, as well as people who support them Quality of life = living and working successfully in community settings of choice PBS approach is applicable across environments and with diverse populations
What is PBS? (continued) Values Inclusive, Person-Centered Enhanced Quality of Life Responsive and Preventive in Nature, Not Reactive Systems Change Science & Research Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Ecological / Social Validity Increased Competence in Getting Needs Met Problem Behavior(s) Minimized by Default
Positive Behavioral Support Model Person-Centered Planning Functional Behavior Assessment Change the Environment Teach New Skills Offer Consequences & Crisis Support Assess and Revise Plan Change the System, Repeat the Process Support Team
7 Who provides PBS services? Development of an “endorsement” process for PBS facilitators in Virginia: a) training based on a national curriculum ; b) mentoring (apply knowledge, skills, abilities); c) development of individual PBS portfolio; d) review of portfolio by endorsement board; and e) personal interview with endorsement board.
8 Who pays for PBS services? DMAS (through Medicaid waivers, under “Therapeutic Consultation”) –approximately $50 / hour DMHMRSAS (through CSBs) DRS Field Rehabilitation Counselors DRS Brain Injury Direct Services (BIDS) Fund Other