B IOMATERIALS L AB N ETWORK D EGRADATION Monday, February 6 th and Tuesday, February 7 th
P RE-LAB Sign-in Quiz (Metters. 2000)
Rectangular Approximation "Approximating the Area Under a Curve for AP Calculus | Education.com." Education.com | An Education & Child Development Site for Parents | Parenting & Educational Resource. Web. 06 Feb
Procedural Notes Teamwork Take turns pipetting, massing, ect. but make sure you remember what has been added to the solution Pipetting Check the volume, change by twisting dial When filling, go to first stop When ejecting precursors, go to second stop When ejecting into syringe mold, go to first stop (to avoid bubbles)
1 “Arm” PEGMAPLA (Lin, C.C., Pharmaceutical Research. 26(3): ) Step-growth Polymerization Unlike last lab, each double bond can hook up with TWO other molecules. M ETHACRYLATE P OLYMERIZATION ……
S ECTION 1 PEG-PLA-MA Network Synthesis Can surmise from Metters.2000 this will be bulk degrading Monitor change in network over time… Size (diameter / height) Weight Young’s Modulus Stereo-microscopy Imaging Polyanhydrides. Wikipedia. 2011
PEG N ETWORK S YNTHESIS 1.10wt% PEG-PLA-MA in PBS 2.10% photo-initiator by volume (LAP) 3.40μL placed in 1mL syringe (tip cut off) to create cylindrical hydrogel sample geometry 4.exposed to UV-lamp for 10min 5.Remove and place in PBS 6.3 PEG samples
S ECTION 2 MSA/MAA Network Synthesis Glassy polymer Monitor change in network over time… Size (diameter / height) Weight Young’s Modulus Stereo-microscopy Imaging Polyanhydrides. Wikipedia (CH 2 ) 4
MSA/MAA N ETWORK S YNTHESIS Unlike PEG-PLA-MA, the MSA/MAA is a bulk reaction that is not polymerized in a liquid phase. 1.≈0.25g of MSA/MAA 2.0.1wt% DMAP photo-initiator added to PA-MA 3.Fill mold “sandwich” (glass slide / Teflon / glass slide) 4.exposed to UV-lamp for 10min 5.Remove and place in PBS 6.1 MSA/MAA sample
T ESTING Young’s modulus in Materials Testing Lab – 5N load cell Mass – after patting networks dry Size – use calipers for height and diameter. Don’t squish hydrogel All three will be assembled and posted on blackboard. Stereo-microscopy Imaging – collect images with digital camera Each group is responsible for collecting their own images All performed on D0, D1, D3, D8, D10
Big Picture Control of mechanical properties & degradation behavior allows tuning to your application Ex: Control degradation rate Control drug release rate Bulk Typically hydrophilic Biologically inert Large number of available chemistries Surface Typically hydrophobic Protein adsorption, cell interaction Constant turnover at surface difficult to integrate with tissue Applications Prevent postsurgical adhesion formation In vivo drug and protein delivery Temporary scaffold for tissue repair Degradable sutures
S ECTION 3 Degradation time-course Look at how networks degrade over time 1 team member per data collection day D AY Monday’s LabTuesday’s Lab 0Monday, February 6 th (in lab)Tuesday, February 7 th (in lab) 1Tuesday, February 7 th Wednesday, February 8 th 3Thursday, February 9 th Friday, February 10 th 8Tuesday, February 14 nd Wednesday, February 15 th 10Thursday, February 16 th Friday, February 17 th