High Performance Computing Systems for IU Researchers – An Introduction IUB Wells Library 10-Sep-2012 Jenett Tillotson George Turner High Performance – Systems
Getting Started BigRed: Quarry:
Getting an account Manage my IU computing accounts create more accounts choose "BigRed" or "Quarry” Takes about 15 minutes You will receive a welcome
Logging in ssh bigred.teragrid.iu.edu ssh quarry.teragrid.iu.edu MOTD
Nodes BigRed: b1-b1050, s1c1b1-s19c3b14 Quarry-classic: b001-b140, q001-q140 Quarry-pg: p1-p230, pg1-pg230
Head nodes BigRed: b513 - b516 Quarry-classic: b001 - b004 Quarry-pg; p230
Wild West nodes BigRed: b509-b512 Quarry: q005-q008
Compute nodes BigRed: b1-b508, b561-b1050 Quarry: q009-q140, pg1-pg229
File systems Home directory DataCapacitor (Lustre)
File systems : Home directory /N/u/{username}/BigRed /N/u/{username}/Quarry ${HOME} 10GB quota quota -v Slow, limited, backed up
File systems : DataCapacitor (lustre) IU users: /N/dc/scratch/{username} Fast, unlimited, not backed up Permanent project file space available
Softenv Modifies environment ${PATH} and ${MANPATH} softlist soft add.soft resoft
Resource Manager Keeps tracks of resources: nodes, jobs, queues BigRed – LoadLeveler llsubmit llq llcancel llclass Quarry – TORQUE qsub qstat –a –u $USER qdel qstat -Q
Queues : BigRed LONG: 32 nodes/job, 64 nodes/user, 14 days wall clock time NORMAL: 256 nodes/job, 512 nodes/user, 2 days wall clock time SERIAL: 1 proc/job, 512 proc/user, 2 days wall clock time DEBUG: 4 nodes/jobs, 4 nodes/user, 15 minutes wall clock time, 1 idle job Limit of 768 jobs in all the queues per user Limit of 16 idle jobs per user (except for the DEBUG queue)
Queues : Quarry long: 42 nodes/job, 14 days wall clock time, 50 jobs/user normal: 6 nodes/job, 7 days wall clock time, 500 jobs/user serial: 1 node/job, 12 hours wall clock time, 500 jobs/user debug: 4 nodes/job, 15 minutes wall clock time,2 jobs/user himem: 28 nodes/job, 14 days wall clock time, 50 jobs/user batch: default queue Limit of 16 idle jobs per user
Job Scripts
BigRed #!/bin/bash -l step_name = step1 initialdir = /N/u/jtillots/BigRed/myoutput output = step1.out error = step1.err notification = always notify_user = class = DEBUG wall_clock_limit = 15:00 account_no = NONE queue /bin/date sleep 10 /bin/date
Quarry #!/bin/bash -l #PBS -N step1 #PBS -j oe #PBS -k o #PBS -m abe #PBS -M #PBS -q debug #PBS -l nodes=1,walltime=15:00 /bin/date sleep 10 /bin/date
Job ids BigRed: s10c2b5.{jobid}.0 Quarry: {jobid}.qm2
Scheduler : Moab Decides which jobs get run on what nodes at what time. showq by queue:-w class={queuename} running jobs:-r idle jobs:-i blocked jobs:-b checknode checkjob showstart Single-user mode
Job Priority mdiag -p Fair share XFactor QOS Backfill showbf