New MPI Library on the cluster Since WSU’s Grid had an upgrade of its operating system recently, we need to use a new MPI Library to compile and run our Jobs. 1
How to compile your program First, we need to run “qsub –I” command. Second, load the new mpi module by the next two commands: module load pgi-14.6/compiler module load pgi-14.6/compiler-mpi Third, use mpicc command to compile your program as before 2
The new script to submit jobs #!/bin/bash #PBS -l ncpus=8 #PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=2 #PBS -m ea #PBS -q mtxq #PBS -o #PBS -e module load pgi-14.6/compiler module load pgi-14.6/compiler-mpi /wsu/apps/compilers/pgi/pgicdk-146/linux86-64/2014/mpi/mpich/bin/mpiexec \ -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE \ -n 8 \ /wsu/home/fb/fb40/fb4032/hello The commands in red are the modifications, and you should just run “qsub” to submit jobs as before. 3