Entry Task When the Constitution and Bill of Rights was written, statements that seemed to grant all men the same rights was written in. However, African.


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Presentation transcript:

Entry Task When the Constitution and Bill of Rights was written, statements that seemed to grant all men the same rights was written in. However, African Americans were not given those same rights and protections until much later. How was this “Constitutional?” Explain how you know. Whom else was not granted these same protections and rights? Today you’ll need your journal, a lap top (one per partnership), one notecard per partnership (get from front desk), vocab out on desk.

Partners With a partner, you will be conducting research about the rise and fall of Jim Crow Laws. Before you begin, quickly jot down what you already know about Jim Crow laws based on the photographs and the two sources we’ve already looked at. With your partner, come up with at least 3 solid research questions that you will use to guide your investigation of a specific website.

Research With your partner, attempt to find the answer(s) to your questions on the PBS website: o o Jot down notes as you search the site. o Once you’ve done the research, pick the question you think you found the most complete or interesting evidence for. o Write out the question and the answers (evidence) on the provided notecard.

Share- as each partnership shares, take notes (in your journal) on the questions and answers/evidence they present. Share your findings with the class. You will both stand and using the following script format, you will present your findings. o Our research focused on the question _______. We were able to find information on the ______ page of the PBS website. We found that ____evidence____.

HW: Using your own research, the two sources from yesterday, and the questions/answers of your peers… Write a paragraph explaining how Jim Crow Laws and practices deprived American citizens of their civil rights. Be sure to cite your sources with lead ins to your evidence: “According to the ___ page of the PBS website, _[evidence]__.” Provide commentary on the specific civil rights violations (education, social, voting), and how the evidence provides proof that the laws deprived citizens of their rights.