2015 Academic A Level South Africa: From Apartheid to Democracy Lesson Plan Date and Number Your Papers: Friday, February 6, 2015 Monday, February 9, 2015.


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#5 - Movement to End Apartheid The Resistance
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The Interactive Notebook
Presentation transcript:

2015 Academic A Level South Africa: From Apartheid to Democracy Lesson Plan Date and Number Your Papers: Friday, February 6, 2015 Monday, February 9, 2015 Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Day One: Friday, February 6, 2015 Quiet Question: Type Two Prompt---Use your notes on your Nationalism and Decolonization Graphic Organizer Notes to create a Political Bumper Sticker to capture the main leader, main group, main methods, or main events in gaining independence for ONE of the specific African countries we studied. African Nations to Choose From: Algeria Ghana Kenya Congo Directions: Catchy Slogan: It should either rhyme, plays off a commonly known phrase, uses alliteration, or is a famous quote. Color Scheme: The colors chosen should tie in to the main ideas, main groups, the European nation they challenged, or main events. Symbols: They should relate to the main characteristics.

Day One: Friday, February 6, 2015 Class: We saw in the last lesson, that once the African nations were set free from European colonial rule, they experienced ongoing struggles that led to failed democracies, rise of dictators, and economic problems. A classic example of this is South Africa, where the system of apartheid paralleled the Jim Crow laws of the United States. And this is what we will be examining in this lesson. Class: The teacher is going to begin the Development of Apartheid PowerPoint Lecture. As the teacher does this Interactive Lecture, you are to use the Interactive Notebook Method with the provided teacher notes. Topics Covered in Development of Apartheid PowerPoint Lecture: Road to Apartheid What is Apartheid Apartheid Laws Homelands and Townships Pass Books and Pass Checks Government Repression Education Under Apartheid

Day One: Friday, February 6, 2015 Interactive Notes Method: You must highlight, star, and add information to the Right Side throughout the notes. You must complete the Lecture Activities within the PowerPoint on the Left Side throughout the notes. In addition, your homework supplemental reading on apartheid addresses additional information, and you should be adding information to the Right Side.

Left Side of the Notebook: *Paraphrase or clarify items *Enter a drawing, photo, sketch, or magazine picture that illustrates the concept, ideas, or facts *Pose questions about the information *Form and express an opinion *Predict outcomes or next steps *Create a metaphor that captures the essence of the information/issue *Formulate and record a contradictory perspective *Write a reflection on the information or experience *Find a quote that connects to the concept; record it and explain your rationale *Make connections between the information/text and your own life, another text, and/or the world *Create a mind map that captures the main topic and key concepts and supportive detail *Create an acronym that will help you to remember the information covered *Make connections to the content/processes of other courses *Sketch a political cartoon expressing a historical viewpoint or your views on the historical concepts. *Record important primary source quotes that capture the essence of the historical idea. *Do the activities Ms. Barben has built into her powerpoints. *Write out questions that the content has raised for you to ask Ms. Barben *Brainstorms *Venn Diagrams *Flowcharts *Metaphors or analogies *Top ten lists *SOAL---sum of all learned at the end Right Side of the Notebook Teacher directed: *notes on a mini-lesson * notes on a lecture *notes on a hands on learning lab *notes on an assigned reading *notes/story map on a video *notes/story map on a read aloud *notes from a small group or large group discussion *collaborative group process *a copied excerpt of a text *notes and assignments from an Internet Web Quest *notes on an historical reenactment *notes from a fieldtrip *Worksheet/or textbook assignment copied or glued into the notebook *You highlight key terms, dates, events. *Add historical information to provided teacher notes. *Use underlining and stars.

Day One: Friday, February 6, 2015 Homework: For this lesson, we will be using Chapter 23: Resources and Power in Post-Apartheid South Africa Supplemental Reading. This has been photocopied for you. Chunking of Homework Readings: Night One: Friday, February 6, 2015 Read and take notes on pages Night Two: Monday, February 9, 2015 Read and take notes on pages Night Three: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Read and take notes on pages 1-5 of the International Mandela Day Biography.

Day Two: Monday, February 9, 2015 Class: The teacher is going to finish the Development of Apartheid Interactive PowerPoint Lecture, and you are to continue doing the Interactive Notes. Homework: Continue to follow the chunking for the reading assignment.

Day Three: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Class: The teacher is going to begin the Resistance to Apartheid Interactive PowerPoint Lecture, and you are to continue doing the Interactive Notes. Topics Covered in Resistance to Apartheid PowerPoint Lecture: ANC--- Not Covered In Lecture---Because Covered In Detail In Reading and Documentary Nelson Mandela----Not Covered In Lecture---Because Covered In Detail In Reading and Documentary MK: Resistance Becomes Violent Protests: Sharpeville and Soweto Black Consciousness Movement and Steven Biko UDF, Boycotts, and Strikes International Responses Desmond Tutu 1985 International Demonstration End of Apartheid Role of DeKlerk Mandela Presidency Homework: Finish the chunking for the reading assignment. Will be checked tomorrow for Class Participation Points.

Day Four: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Class: The teacher is going to finish the Resistance to Apartheid Interactive PowerPoint Lecture, and you are to continue doing the Interactive Notes. Class: We are going to watch the PBS Documentary on You Tube on Nelson Mandela as review. Add information to your Interactive Notes. Remembering South African leader Nelson Mandela---PBS NewsHour Published on Dec 5, 2013 with a running time of 18:23 minutes Nelson Mandela, the first black president of South Africa credited with ending apartheid there, died in Johannesburg on Dec. 5, Former PBS NewsHour correspondent Charlayne Hunter-Gault takes a look back at Mandela's life and legacy.

Day Four: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Homework: Summative Assessment: As we have seen with the Africa Unit, many of the leaders of the independence movements were arrested and viewed as criminals by their colonizers, yet later when freed became the first presidents or prime ministers of their countries. With this homework, we are going to examine how one historical figure can be viewed as a criminal and as a hero…again, it all comes down to perspective. On the teacher page, there are examples from former students who did this for Gandhi. Writer’s Purpose: You will be creating two OPPOSING posters to examine the role and actions of Nelson Mandela in the fight to end apartheid in South Africa. This will be done on computer paper and not poster board or oaktag paper. Writer’s Role: For the Hero Poster, you will be representing the oppressed black South African viewpoint, the ANC, and the international community. For the Wanted Poster, you will be representing the racist white South African viewpoint. Audience: The people of South Africa and the international community

Day Four: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Resources: PowerPoints for Images and Primary Source Quotes PowerPoint Lecture Notes Photocopied Supplemental Reading Read as Homework The New York Times Obituary for Nelson Mandela Uploaded to Teacher Page Interactive Timeline on Nelson Mandela with images and primary source quotes: The New York Times Interactive Timeline on Nelson Mandela with images, speeches, and film clips: Timeline.html?_r=0#/#time216_ Timeline.html?_r=0#/#time216_6674

Hero Poster Requirements 2.__________The student included the following requirements for each poster. Hero Poster: At the top of the poster, Hero is typed out. Then an image of Nelson Mandela that casts him in a positive light in regards to his work. (You cannot use the same image for both posters!) Specific details about his work and the positives/benefits of each action You are to select ONE Of the following to examine in DEPTH: June 1952: Head of Defiance Campaign and Freedom Charter : Rivonia Trial Mandela’s actions while imprisoned on Robben Island Mandela’s presidency and theme of reconciliation This is to be done in well-developed sentences and in paragraph format. There should be a minimum of THREE well-developed paragraphs covering the chosen event in depth. You must include one primary source quote within your Hero Poster. Think of the vocabulary choices you make to support the message. At the bottom of the poster, there should be Nobel Peace Prize.

Wanted Poster Requirements Wanted Poster: At the top of the poster, should be Wanted. Then under Wanted, there should be an image of Mandela doing his work that casts him in a negative light, by breaking a law, etc… Specific details about his work and the negatives and criminal nature of each action. You are to select ONE Of the following to examine in DEPTH: July 1952-September 1952: Defiance Campaign and violating the Suppression of Communism Act---CANNOT DO IF CHOSEN FOR HERO POSTER! December 1956-March 1961: Treason Trial 1961: Formation and leadership of the guerrilla warfare The Spear of the Nation or MK and their actions : Rivonia Trial---CANNOT DO IF CHOSEN FOR HERO POSTER! This is to be done in well-developed sentences and in paragraph format. There should be a minimum of THREE well-developed paragraphs covering the chosen event in depth. You must include one primary source quote within your Wanted Poster. Think of the vocabulary choices you make to support the message. At the bottom of the poster, it should read Dead or Alive.

3.___________FCA ONE: The student used appropriate historical information with specific details, examples, and primary source quotes to support the message of each poster. The student did not write vague or general statements. The student provided explanation and analysis of the historical content. Worth 50 Points…25 points per poster. 4.____________FCA TWO: The student wrote from the two different historical perspectives and using historical evidence and analysis proved the different viewpoints through strong, persuasive vocabulary. The student incorporated at least ONE primary source quote into each poster. Worth 40 Points…20 points per poster. 5.____________FCA THREE: The student used historical images and graphics to help convey the message of each poster. Worth 10 Points…5 points per poster. 6.____________NO EXCUSES: The student wrote in well-developed sentences and paragraphs. The student edited for spelling, grammar, and capitalization errors. It was done neatly and on the computer. Worth 10 Points…5 points per poster

Chunking Chunking of Hero and Wanted Posters for Mandela: ***Changes due to Long Weekend*** Night One: Thursday, February 11, 2015 This is Day Four of the Apartheid Lesson Plan. Select your topics for both the Hero and Wanted Poster Go to the provided Pre-Write Graphic Organizer and using your resources, write your notes for each of the topics. Go through the PowerPoints and the supplemental readings, and the interactive timeslines and select your primary sources. On the Pre-Write Graphic Organizer, identify them, quote from them, and explain how you will use in the posters. Find your images for the Hero and Wanted Poster.

Night Two: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Create the Hero Poster on the computer. Have a parent, sibling, or classmate edit it. Night Five: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Create the Wanted Poster on the computer. Have a parent, sibling, or classmate edit it. Thursday, February 19, 2015: Finish Study Guide for Test on Friday, February 20, 2015 Night Six: Friday, February 20, 2015 Make your own editing comments on the two rough drafts. Correct and print up the good copies. Due on Monday, February 23, 2015 SEPARATE FROM YOUR AFRICA UNIT NOTEBOOK!