Delivery Model for Psychological and Behavioral Services
Special Education Monitoring Cycle SY Department of Education Exceptional Student Services Division monitored PUSD for statutory/regulatory compliance. PUSD completed it’s Corrective Action Plan and is in full compliance. ADE/ESS provided clarification on role of behavioral specialists and delivery model.
What does this mean for PUSD??? New job description for school psychologists and behavior service providers. School psychologists job responsibilities will expand and align with the National Association of School Psychologists recommended standards. Behavior Interventionist is a new assignment that will require Master’s Degree in social work, counseling, psychology, applied behavior analysis, or be a State certified guidance counselor.
What will this look like for PUSD?? Direct service for students with behavior needs will be provided by school psychologists, special education teachers, speech pathologists. Behavior Interventionists will be assigned to schools with high incidence of behavior needs including specialized program schools.
How will this look in PUSD?? School psychologists will increase from 32 to 43 to cover all sites. School psychologist interns will increase from 3 to 6. Behavior Interventionists will decrease from 22.5 to 8 with the specialized certification to support behavior students in specialized school programs and high need areas. Board Certified Behavior Analysts will be added to specifically support students on the autism spectrum. Behavior coaches will be added at our PBS self- contained sites to support emotionally disabled students.
Budget Zero Impact School psychologists compensation will increase by $ to address the added responsibilities. A new base salary for school psychologists will be created starting at $54, to be market competitive to attract new psychologists.
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