Knots and Links - Introduction and Complexity Results Krishnaram Kenthapadi 11/27/2002
Outline Definition Classification Representation Knot Triviality Splitting Problem Genus Problem Open Questions
Definitions Knot – A closed curve embedded in space as a simple (non-self- intersecting) polygon with finitely many edges. (Informally, a thin elastic string with extremities glued together)
Definitions Link – A finite collection of simple polygons disjointly embedded in 3-dimensional space. Individual polygons -components of link Knot – A link with one component
Classification of Knots Isotopy is a deformation of knots s.t. Piecewise linear & continuous Polygon remains simple throughout Defines an equivalence relation Knots in a single plane are equivalent Trivial knots
Computational Representation Polygonal Representation in 3-D space List the vertices of each polygon in order Link diagram representing a 2-D projection Extra labeling for crosses Both are polynomial time equivalent
Unknotting Problem Instance : A link diagram D Question : Is D a knot diagram that represents the trivial knot? This problem is in NP. (Hass, Lagarias & Pippenger, 1999)
Unknotting Problem Haken ’ s Algorithm (1961): Runs in exponential time. Reidemeister moves : Combinatorial transformations on the knot diagram that don ’ t change the equivalence class of the knot. A knot diagram is unknotted iff there exists a finite sequence of Reidemeister moves that converts it to the trivial knot diagram. But how many steps?
Splitting Problem Instance : A link diagram D Question : Is the link represented by D splittable? Splittable : the polygons can be separated by piecewise linear isotopy. This problem is in NP.
Genus of a surface Any oriented surface without boundary can be obtained from a sphere by adding “ handles ”. Genus = Number of handles Eg: Genus of Sphere is 0, Torus is 1, etc.
Genus of a surface Genus is also the number of surfaces along which a surface can be cut while leaving it connected. Surface with boundary : Glue a disk to each component of the boundary ( “ capping off ” ) and then obtain the genus.
Genus of a knot Informally, the degree of “ knottedness ” of a curve. S(K) – class of all orientable spanning surfaces for a knot K, ie, surfaces embedded in the manifold, with a single boundary component that coincides with K. S(K) is non-empty for any knot in 3-sphere (Seifert, 1935). Seifert also showed a construction.
Genus of a knot Genus(K) = min{Genus(s) | s \in S(K)} if S(K) is non-empty; otherwise Genus(K) is infinity ( ).
3-Manifold Knot Genus Instance: A triangulated 3-manifold M, a knot K and a natural number,g. Question: Is genus(K) <= g ? Size of instance : Number of tetrahedra in M and log(g). This problem is NP-complete. (Agol, Hass & Thurston, 2002)
3-Manifold Knot Genus NP- hard: By reduction from an NP-complete problem, ONE-IN-THREE-SAT. ONE-IN-THREE-SAT: Instance: A set U of variables and a collection C of clauses (of three literals each) over U. Question: Is there a truth assignment for U s.t. each clause in C has exactly one true literal?
A Special Case A knot is trivial iff its genus is zero. Hence, Unknotting problem is a special case of 3-Manifold Knot Genus (with the input, g = 0).
Recap Definition of knots & links. Classification – knot isotopy Computational Representation polygonal (3D) link diagram (2D) Knot Triviality is in NP Splitting Problem is in NP Genus Problem is NP-complete
Open Problems Is 3-SPHERE KNOT GENUS NP-hard? Is determining genus of a knot in 3- Manifold in NP? Amounts to showing a lower bound If “ yes ”, UNKNOTTING problem is in both NP and co-NP
References C. C. Adams, The Knot Book. An elementary introduction to the mathematical theory of knots, W. H. Freeman, New York V.V.Prasolov, Intuitive Topology, American Mathematical Society, J. Hass, J. C. Lagarias and N. Pippenger, The computational complexity of Knot and Link problems", Journal of the ACM, 46 (1999) I. Agol, J. Hass and W.P. Thurston, The Computational Complexity of Knot Genus and Spanning Area, Proceedings of STOC 2002.