Scientific Names
QUICK REVIEW A name used by scientists, especially the taxonomic name of an organism that consists of the genus and species. Scientific names usually come from Latin or Greek. An example is Homo sapiens, the scientific name for humans.
WHY LATIN or GREEK? Throughout most of the history of Western science, all scientific literature was written in Latin. Only recently has it been written in spoken languages like English. The use of Latin names has remained so that scientists that speak different languages can understand what they are talking about. Another reason is that many plants and animals have common names that differ by region. Having a Latin name avoids confusion among scientists.
6 levels of classification Kingdom King Phylum Plays Class Chess Order On Family Flat Genus Green Species Stool
Time to Think Write a sentence to help you “remember” the levels of classification from the greatest to the least number of organisms. Work in pair. Write in the card given to you. Optional but recommended: Decorate your card. 10 minutes to think and work.
CHEER WITH ME! Scientific names are cool to learn Letter case is considered For Genus it will be upper For species it will be low But do not forget Always underline If not italicize So everything will be fine.
Which is correct? Genus species
Time to Work Work in triad. Compose a rap/chant/cheer identifying all the rules in writing scientific names. (10 minutes) Use examples of the scientific name of the given organism given to you. Write your chant/rap/cheer at the back of the card you used in levels of classification. (10 minutes) Present it to class. (5 minutes)