Classification Chapter 2
Objective SPI 0807.5.1 Use a simple classification key to identify an unknown organism. I can explain how organisms are classified by their characteristics. I can list the eight levels of classification in order (domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species). I can identify the scientific name of an organism using its genus and species name.
I can explain how organisms are classified by their characteristics. Classification (#18) Putting things into orderly groups based on similar characteristics. What things might you classify? Why do scientists classify living things? Know how many known species exist Define characteristics Identify species Relationships between species
I can explain how organisms are classified by their characteristics. Classification Taxonomy: the science of describing, classifying, and naming living things. Carolus Linnaeus created modern taxonomy (before living organisms were grouped as either plants or animals)
Classification System I can list the eight levels of classification in order. Classification System Eight levels (broad to specific) Based on shared characteristics More shared characteristics→closer organisms are related
I can list the eight levels of classification in order. Mnemonic (to help you remember the levels in order) Levels Dedicated King Phillip Can Order Five Giant Sandwiches Domain (#24) Kingdom (#47) Phylum (#72) Class (#17) Order (#65) Family (#35) Genus (#38) Species (#82)
I can list the eight levels of classification in order.
I can identify the scientific name of an organism using its genus and species name. Scientific Names One Species, One Name A scientific name is always the same for a specific kind of organism no matter how many common names there might be. Two-Part Names (italicized or underlined) Genus name (capitalized) Species name (lowercase)
Scientific Names Elephas maximus Tyrannosaurus rex Escherichia coli I can identify the scientific name of an organism using its genus and species name. Scientific Names Elephas maximus Tyrannosaurus rex Escherichia coli Tulipa gesneriana Cervus canadensis Delphinus capensis
Complete Classification I can identify the scientific name of an organism using its genus and species name. Complete Classification Human Dog Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Hominidae Genus: Homo Species: sapien Scientific name: Homo sapien Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Canidae Genus: Canis Specis: familaris Scientific name: Canis familaris
Objective SPI 0807.5.1 Use a simple classification key to identify an unknown organism. I can identify an organism using a dichotomous key or branching diagram. I can create a simple dichotomous key or branching diagram to classify organisms.
I can identify an organism using a dichotomous key or branching diagram.
I can identify an organism using a dichotomous key or branching diagram. Identification aid that uses descriptive statements to identify an unknown organism
Objective SPI 0807.5.1 Use a simple classification key to identify an unknown organism. I can classify an organism into the correct domain and kingdom.
I can classify an organism into the correct domain and kingdom. Domain Archaea Prokaryote Single-celled No nucleus Live in extreme environments Form yellow or orange rings around hot springs
I can classify an organism into the correct domain and kingdom. Domain Bacteria Prokaryote Can live most anywhere Soil, water, human body Good and bad bacteria Example: E. coli
I can classify an organism into the correct domain and kingdom. Domain Eukarya Eukaryote Multi-celled Nucleus Membrane bound organelles Kingdoms Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia
I can classify an organism into the correct domain and kingdom. Kingdom Protista Single celled or simple multi-celled Animal-like and plant-like Examples: Protozoans Slime molds Algae Euglenoids
I can classify an organism into the correct domain and kingdom. Kingdom Fungi Complex, multi-celled Absorb nutrients from surroundings Decomposers: break down substances Examples: Mushrooms Mold
I can classify an organism into the correct domain and kingdom. Kingdom Plantae Complex, multi-celled Cell walls Photosynthesis Live on land and water Life depends on plants Examples: Seaweed, grass, trees, algae
I can classify an organism into the correct domain and kingdom. Kingdom Animalia Complex, multi-celled No cell walls Specialized sense organs Respond to environment Mobile Depend on plants for food, shelter, oxygen Examples: Insects Worms Sponge Humans Turtle Snake Bird