D E P A R T M E N T O F A G R I C U L T U R E, F I S H E R I E S A N D F O R E S T R Y Data Standards for Pest Records and Lists Dr Ian Naumann, Office of the Chief Plant Protection Officer Pest Lists Workshop: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia August 2005
Overview International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) Other international standards
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) ISPM 3. Code of Conduct for the Import and Release of Exotic Biological Control Agents ISPM 6. Guidelines for Surveillance ISPM 8. Determination of Pest Status in an Area ISPM 11. Pest Risk Analysis for Quarantine Pests
ISPM 8. Determination of Pest Status in an Area 1.Scientific name of pest 2.Classification 3.Life stage 4.Identification method 5.Date of record 6.Locality, including site particulars 7.Name of host 8.Host damage or method of collection 9.Prevalence 10. Bibliographical references PEST RECORD
1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location 4. Recording and publication RELIABILITY OF A RECORD ISPM 8. Determination of Pest Status in an Area
1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location 4. Recording and publication 1. Collectors a.Taxonomic specialist b.Professional diagnostician c.Scientist d.Technician e.Expert amateur f.Non-specialist g.Collector/identifier ISPM 8. Determination of Pest Status in an Area
1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location 4. Recording and publication 2. Technical Identification a.Biochemical or molecular diagnosis b.Specimen or culture in official collection, taxonomic description by specialist c.Specimen in general collection d.Description and photograph e.Visual description only f.Method of identification not known ISPM 8. Determination of Pest Status in an Area
1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location 4. Recording and publication 3. Location and date a.Delimiting or detection surveys b.Other field or production surveys c.Casual or incidental field observation, possibly with no defined location/date d.Observation with/in products or by- products; interception e.Precise location and date not known ISPM 8. Determination of Pest Status in an Area
1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location 4. Recording and publication a.NPPO record/RPPO publication (where refereed) b.Scientific or technical journal (refereed) c.Official historical record d.Scientific or technical journal (not refereed) e.Specialist amateur publication f.Unpublished scientific or technical document g.Non-technical publication, periodical, newspaper h.Personal communication, unpublished ISPM 8. Determination of Pest Status in an Area
Pest Information Sources Primary Literature (research papers, specialist texts) Grey Literature (conference proceedings; pamphlets, PRA’s) Secondary Literature (“encyclopaedias”) Electronic sources Specimen information Listservers Newspapers Unpublished information (letters, unpublished documents)
Pest Information Sources Primary Literature (research papers, specialist texts) 1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location 4. Recording and publication
Pest Information Sources Grey Literature (conference proceedings; pamphlets, PRA’s) 3. Location
Pest Information Sources Secondary Literature (“encyclopaedias”) 3. Location 4. Recording and publication
Pest Information Sources Electronic sources 2. Technical Identification 3. Location
Pest Information Sources Listservers Newspapers 1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location Unpublished information (letters, unpublished documents)
Pest Information Sources Specimen information 1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location4. Recording and publication
Pest Information Sources Specimen information 1. Collectors 2. Technical Identification 3. Location4. Recording and publication
Beyond the ISPMs : TDWG International Taxonomic Data Working Group – meets approximately annually with work continuing throughout year Develops and promotes use of standards Standards for use in local databases Standards facilitating exchange and pooling of data globally Currently developing “ABCD Schema” – next version to be endorsed in St Petersburg, Russia in September
TDWG Standards Authors of plant names Economic botany data collection standards standards Floristic regions of the world Herbaria of the world Plant occurrence and status scheme Taxonomic literature World geographical scheme for recording distribution Darwin core / ABCD Schema ……
TDWG Standards Plant occurrence and status scheme [compiled by World Conservation Monitoring Centre e.g. Native status –Native –Assumed to be native –Doubtfully native –Formerly native (i.e. now extinct) –Recorded as native in error –No information
TDWG Standards Economic Botany Data Standards [compiled by Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United Kingdom e.g. Master list for plant parts Galls: –Leaf galls –Root galls –Stem galls –Fruit galls –Other galls
TDWG Standards Economic Botany Data Standards [compiled by Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United Kingdom e.g. Master list for plant parts Infructescences: –Fruits –Entire immature fruits –Entire mature fruits –Deseeded fruits –Fruit pulp –Fruit juice –Epicarp –Other parts
ABCD Schema Access to Biological Collection Data Content Definition
ABCD Schema Purpose of ABCD Schema A common data specification for biological collection units primary occurrence data living and preserved specimens as well as field observations Intended to support the exchange and integration of detailed primary data
Darwin Core” / ABCD Standard (1) Global Unique Identifier Date Last Modified Basis Of Record Institution Code Collection Code Catalog Number
Darwin Core” / ABCD Standard (2) Global Unique Identifier Date Last Modified Basis Of Record A descriptive term indicating whether the record represents a preserved specimen, a living culture, an observation etc. Institution Code Collection Code Catalog Number
Darwin Core” / ABCD Standard (2) Global Unique Identifier Date Last Modified Basis Of Record A descriptive term indicating whether the record represents a preserved specimen, a living culture, an observation etc. Institution Code Collection Code Catalog Number ISPM 8 Elements 4, 10
Darwin Core” / ABCD Standard (3) Global Unique Identifier Date Last Modified Basis Of Record Institution Code The code or acronym identifying the institution or collection holding the record, e.g “MZB” for Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense in Indonesia; “IRRI” for the International Rice Research Institute in The Philippines. Collection Code Catalog Number
“Darwin Core” / ABCD Standard (4 ) Scientific Name Higher Taxon Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus – bacterial, botanical, virus, zoological genus or single name Specific Epithet – bacterial, botanical, zoological species name Infraspecific name - bacterial, botanical, zoological subspecies etc, including names of viruses, breeds, cultivars. Scientific Name Author Identification qualifier Method of identification
“Darwin Core” / ABCD Standard (4 ) Scientific Name Higher Taxon Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus – bacterial, botanical, virus, zoological genus or single name Specific Epithet – bacterial, botanical, zoological species name Infraspecific name - bacterial, botanical, zoological subspecies etc, including names of viruses, breeds, cultivars. Scientific Name Author Identification qualifier Method of identification ISPM 8 Elements 1 and 2
“Darwin Core” / ABCD Standard (4 ) Scientific Name Higher Taxon Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus – bacterial, botanical, virus, zoological genus or single name Specific Epithet – bacterial, botanical, zoological species name Infraspecific name - bacterial, botanical, zoological subspecies etc, including names of viruses, breeds, cultivars. Scientific Name Author Identification qualifier Method of identification ISPM 8 Element 4
“Darwin Core” / ABCD Standard (5 ) Scientific Name Higher Taxon Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus – bacterial, botanical, virus, zoological genus or single name Specific Epithet – bacterial, botanical, zoological species name Infraspecific name - bacterial, botanical, zoological subspecies etc, including names of viruses, breeds, cultivars. Scientific Name Author Identification qualifier Method of identification International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
“Darwin Core” / ABCD Standard (6 ) Scientific Name Higher Taxon Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus – bacterial, botanical, virus, zoological genus or single name Specific Epithet – bacterial, botanical, zoological species name Infraspecific name - bacterial, botanical, zoological subspecies etc, including names of viruses, breeds, cultivars. Scientific Name Author Identification qualifier Method of identification
Coccus cambodiensis Takahashi NOMENCLATURE: Coccus cambodiensis Takahashi, 1942b: 17. Type data: CAMBODIA: Angkor, on Ficus sp. Syntypes, female. Type depository: Taichung: Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Entomology Collection, Taiwan. HOSTS: Moraceae: Ficus [Takaha1942a, Ali1971], Ficus retusa [Tang1991]. DISTRIBUTION: Oriental: Kampuchea (=Cambodia) [Ali1971]. GENERAL REMARKS: Good description and illustration of the adult female given by Tang (1991). KEYS: Tang 1991: 76 (female) [China]. CITATIONS: Ali1971 [host, distribution: 22]; BenDov1993 [catalogue: 68]; Takaha1942b [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 17-19]; Tang1991 [taxonomy, description, illustration, host, distribution: 79-80]; Tao1999 [taxonomy, host, distribution: 53].
“Darwin Core” / ABCD Standard (7 ) Scientific Name Higher Taxon Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus – bacterial, botanical, virus, zoological genus or single name Specific Epithet – bacterial, botanical, zoological species name Infraspecific name - bacterial, botanical, zoological subspecies etc, including names of viruses, breeds, cultivars. Scientific Name Author Identification qualifier Method of identification
“Darwin Core” / ABCD Standard (8 ) Scientific Name Higher Taxon Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus – bacterial, botanical, virus, zoological genus or single name Specific Epithet – bacterial, botanical, zoological species name Infraspecific name - bacterial, botanical, zoological subspecies etc, including names of viruses, breeds, cultivars. Scientific Name Author Identification qualifier Method of identification
“Darwin Core” / ABCD Standard (9) Higher Geography Continent Water Body Island Group Island Country State Province County Locality Minimum Elevation In Meters Maximum Elevation In Meters Minimum Depth In Meters Maximum Depth In Meters Decimal Latitude Decimal Longitude Geodetic Datum Coordinate Uncertainty In Meters ISPM 8 Element 6
“Darwin Core” / ABCD Standard (10) Year Collected Month Collected Day Collected Time Collected Julian Day Collector Method of collection Sex - including mycological sexual stage Life Stage Image URL Related Information
“Darwin Core” / ABCD Standard (10) Year Collected Month Collected Day Collected Time Collected Julian Day Collector Method of collection Sex - including mycological sexual stage Life Stage Image URL Related Information ISPM 8 Element 5
“Darwin Core” / ABCD Standard (10) Year Collected Month Collected Day Collected Time Collected Julian Day Collector Method of collection Sex - including mycological sexual stage Life Stage Image URL Related Information ISPM 8 Element 3
“Darwin Core” / ABCD Standard (10) Year Collected Month Collected Day Collected Time Collected Julian Day Collector Method of collection Sex - including mycological sexual stage Life Stage Image URL Related Information ISPM 8 Elements 7, 8, 9
“Darwin Core” / ABCD Standard (10) This standard provides a basic and exhaustive data format for specimen-based records. It is compatible with the definition of a pest record in ISPM 8. ISPM 3. Code of Conduct for the Import and Release of Exotic Biological Control Agents ISPM 6. Guidelines for Surveillance ISPM 8. Determination of Pest Status in an Area ISPM 11. Pest Risk Analysis for Quarantine Pests International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs)
Overview International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) Other international standards –Standards for primary data, biological and physical –Standards for records based on specimens, observations, literature citations