Insects & Diseases
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Classification Overview
How do you remember that? Using a mnemonic (memory) device.
King Phillip Came Over From Germany Swimming
Classification of the Honey Bee: Kingdom: Animal Phylum: Arthropoda Class Insecta (Hexapoda) OrderThere are +/- 30 orders 5+ major orders of concern to us Hymenoptera Family Apidae Genus Apis Species mellifera There are super- and sub- orders, genera, etc.
Proper insect names include: Genus species Author No capital letters in common names unless the name contains a proper noun: Japanese beetle honey bee Common names written as two words if species belongs to classification: Japanese beetle honey bee
Common names written as one word if not within classification:sawfly About 1 million species of insects have been described - maybe 10 times that many unidentified! Most are known only by their scientific names – common names given to: Pests Economically important Pretty