Online Counseling Resource YCMOU ELearning Drive… School of Architecture, Science and Technology Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik – , India
OC-SBT/SBI/SGS Introduction Programmes and Courses SEP – SBT011_ U01 SEP – SBI011_ U01 SEP – SGS011_ U01
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… Credits Academic Inputs by Sonali Alkari MSc (Botany), P.G. D.C. Bio-Informatics
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… © 2007, YCMOU. All Rights Reserved.4 How to Use This Resource Counselor at each study center should use this presentation to deliver lecture of minutes during Face-To-Face counseling. Discussion about students difficulties or tutorial with assignments should follow the lecture for about minutes. Handouts (with 6 slides on each A4 size page) of this presentation should be provided to each student. Each student should discuss on the discussion forum all the terms which could not be understood. This will improve his writing skills and enhance knowledge level about topics, which shall be immensely useful for end exam. Appear several times, for all the Self-Tests, available for this course. Student can use handouts for last minutes preparation just before end exam.
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… © 2007, YCMOU. All Rights Reserved.5 Learning Objectives After studying this module, you should be able to: Describe basis of Classification. Discuss the hierarchy of taxonomy.
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… Introduction Various groups of organisms are described on the basis of morphological and functional descriptions based on their similarities and differences. The attempt to use natural relationships to organize the many groups of organisms promoted hierarchical classification in which biologist different taxon.
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… Basis of Classification-1 There is tremendous variation among different organisms. organisms differ from each other in their shape, size and appearance. The variation in morphology and functions of organisms is called diversity among life forms. Similarity and differences between the individuals of different groups called taxa is the basis for classification. These groups represents the different level in the hierarchy.
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… Basis of Classification-2 Present day taxonomists use classification to discover or clarify evolutionary relationship. This is based upon assumption that the degree of resemblance in homologous structure is a measure of the degree of relationship. The characteristics of living things are such that they can be fitted into a hierarchical scheme of categories, each more inclusive than the previous one species, genera, families, orders, classes and phyla.
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… Basis of Classification-3 This system of classification of organisms can be best interpreted as system of classification of organisms. This system of classification also provide proof of evolutionary relationship. If the kinds of animals and plans were not related by evolutionary descent, their characteristic would be present in a confused, random pattern.
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… Taxonomic Hierarchy-1 The different levels of groups are recognized as a series of hierarchical categories. This series has been termed as a taxonomic structure. Categories are the level or ranks in a hierarchy to which groups are assigned. Categories are defined by taxonomists and are purely artificial. Species, genus, family, order, class and division are the six main ranks of classification in an ascending order.
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… Taxon Taxonomists call each unit of classification, whether it is particular species, genus or order into unit called taxon. Taxonomists arrange taxa into a nested categories so that a taxon in “higher” category includes one or more taxa in “lower” categories.
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… Taxonomic Hierarchy-2 The closely related individuals of one type are grouped in a taxon called Species (plural species.) Species is the smallest unit among which the individuals reproduce. The different species that appear related are grouped in a higher-level taxon called Genus (plural genera). Closely related genera are grouped in a Family.
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… Taxonomic Hierarchy -3 Thus the following level Kingdom Phylum/Division Class Order Family Genus
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… Taxonomic Hierarchy-4 Likewise simillar families form orders. Orders are grouped into classes, in which diverse members shares only very fundamental characteristics. Lastly, all the related classes are included in phylum. For plants the taxon Division and for animals the Phylum. It is followed by Kingdom.
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… Sub-ranks of Taxon Each rank has its subcategories, i.e towards the higher ranks, subform, form, subvarieties, varieties and subspecies are the subcategories of species. Subsection, section and subgenus are the subcategories of genus. Subtribe, tribe, subfamily are the subcategories of family. Suborder is the subcategory of order. Subclass is the subcategory of class. Subdivision is the subcategory of division
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… Classification of Rose plant according to Linnaean Hierarchy Hierarchy of the TaxaNames of the Taxa KingdomPlantae (plants) DivisionAngiosperemae ClassDicotyledonae OrderRosales FamilyRosaceae GenusRosa SpeciesRosa gallica
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… Classification of Humanbeing according to Linnaean Hierarchy Hierarchy of the TaxaNames of the Taxa KingdomAnimalia (Animals) PhylumChordata (animals with notochord at some stage of life) Sub-PhylumVertebrata (vertebrates; notochord replace by backbone) ClassMammalia (mammals) OrderPrimates FamilyHominidae GenusHomo SpeciesHomo sapiens
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… What we Learn… You have learnt : Basis of classification Taxonomic hierarchy Definitions of different taxon
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… Critical Thinking Questions 1.Describe basis of evolutionary relationship. 2.What is taxon?. 3.Discuss Nested arrangement of taxa © 2007, YCMOU. All Rights Reserved.19
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… Hints For Critical Thinking Question 1.Similarity and differences between the individuals. 2.Unit of Classification. 3.Meaning of taxonomy hierarchy of taxon. © 2007, YCMOU. All Rights Reserved.20
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… Study Tips Book Title:The Living World Author: George Johnson Book Title: Biological Science Author: Taylor, Green & Stout Book Title: ABC Of Biology Publisher :Holy Faith Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia
School of Science and Technology, Online Counseling Resource… End of the Presentation Thank You !