1 Acc Diversity of Life What is Taxonomy? Taxonomy Alien Lab
2 Maryland Science Content Standard Students will be able to provide examples and explain that organisms sorted into groups share similarities in external structures as well as similarities in internal anatomical structures and processes which can be used to infer the degree of relatedness among organisms
3 Objectives Students will be able to provide examples and explain that organisms sorted into groups share similarities in body structures and how they carry out life processes. Title:Cladogram Date:5/19/2015
4 Warm-up –What is a cladogram? –What do we mean when we say species are “related”?
5 Today Students Will… Engage their thinking about classification by completing an alien taxonomy activity. Evaluate your understanding of taxonomy by creating a cladogram for your aliens. If you need any of the papers at home, they can be found on yesterday’s PowerPoint
6 Alien Taxonomy Create a cladogram on your table using the cards provided. –Be sure to consider similar traits and which organism are most likely related. –Your cladogram must include organisms As a group…come up with names for all Kingdom, Phylum, Genus and Species on your cladogram. –Use the Genus and Species names to fill in the names on the front of the lab paper Once you have had your model cladogram checked by your teacher, copy it into the space on the second page of the lab paper. –Be sure to label all Kingdom, Phylum, Genus, and Species names
7 What is a Cladogram? Use this site from yesterday’s class as a reference while creating your Alien Cladogram. –Cladogram siteCladogram site
8 Conclusion How did you organize your cladogram? Which aliens served as common ancestors? Which aliens were most closely related?