Giant Magnon and Spike Solutions in String Theories Bum-Hoon Lee Center for Quantum SpaceTime(CQUeST)/Physics Dept. Sogang University, Seoul, Korea PAQFT08,


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Presentation transcript:

Giant Magnon and Spike Solutions in String Theories Bum-Hoon Lee Center for Quantum SpaceTime(CQUeST)/Physics Dept. Sogang University, Seoul, Korea PAQFT08, Singapore November 27-29, 2008 Based on B.-H.L, R. Nayak, K. Panigrahi, C. Park On the giant magnon and spike solutions for strings on AdS(3) x S**3. JHEP 0806:065,2008. arXiv: J. Kluson, B.-H.L, K. Panigrahi, C. Park, Magnon like solutions for strings in I-brane background. JHEP 0808;032, 2008, arXiv: B.-H.L, K. Panigrahi, C. Park, Spiky Strings on AdS4 x CP3, To appear in JHEP, arXiv:

D-branes and Gauge Theories CQUeST #16 Supersymmetric # Nc Dp Branes in YM theories in p+1 dim. String theory Ex. d=3+1, N=4 SU(N c ) SYM #N c parallel D3-branes 1, …, 6 #Nc D1 F1

Dp-brane solution in Supergravity (string frame) (harmonic function) ( for D-brane )

- Bulk metric solution for D3-brane with - in near horizon limit radius S5 = radius AdS5 = R ( ) AdS5 x S5 Geometry - For,, can trust the supergravity solution

Contents 1. Motivation : AdS-CFT (Holography) 2. giant magnon and spikes (AdS5 x S5) 3. giant magnon and spikes (AdS4 x CP3) 4. Summary and discussion

1. AdS/CFT correspondence (Closed/Open string dulaty) -The gravity theory on - Symmetry SO(2,4) * SO(6) Isometry group -N=4 SYM on the boundary 4d space -Symmetry (same) SO(2,4) * SO(6) conf. * R-sym full string theory closed string theory sugra approx. perturbative Yang-Mills theory nonperturbative

-fluctuation with a non-zero boundary value -the semi-classial partition function -the source of the boundary operators -the generating functional for the boundary operator

AdS/CFT Dictionary 4D CFT (QCD)  5D AdS 4D generating functional  5D (class.) effective action Spectrum : - 4D Operator  5D string states - Dim. of [Operator]  5D mass Current conservation  5D gauge symmetry Large Q  small z Confinement  (IR) cutoff z m Resonances  Kaluza-Klein states

1. Ffrom K. Okamura

1. From K. Okamura

1. From K. Okamura

According to the AdS/CFT correspondence, isometry of R-symmetry group of N=4 SYM Z, W, X : three complex scalar fields of SYM describing coordinates of the internal space with |Z| + |W| + |X| =1. (Z and Z: the plane on which the equator of lies) J in SYM : # of Z fields J : the angular momentum describing the rotation on the equator of in the string theory side. 222

Here, we consider the SU(2) part only (with Z and W ) -energy and R-charge E=1 and J=1 for Z and E=1 and J=O for W for case ii) E - J = 1 + correction anomalous dim. the spectrum of string states string with infinite E and J 1) state (E-J=0) 2) the giant magnon (E-J=0) the spectrum of operators in SYM long chain operator 1) 2) Impurity or magnon

On the gauge theory side (related to spin chain model) By Minahan and Zarembo the one-loop anomalous dimension of operators ( : # of Z and W) composed of scalars in N=4 SYM theory follows from solving the spin chain model The one loop anomalous dim. eigenvalue of the 1-loop dilatation operator acting on these op.

To apply one should consider as a spin ½ chain identifying Z with a spin down and W with a spin up the dispersion relation for the magnon in the large ‘t Hooft coupling limit, Now, we study which spectrum of the string side corresponds to this magnon solution in SYM.

There exist many other types of operators Ex) (Single Trace operators, with higher twists) : The anomalous dimension is dominated by the contribution of the derivatives  Dual description in terms of rotating strings with n cusps (Conjecture)

2. The giant magnon and the spike magnon in flat space In the light cone gauge, the solution with where 2. The giant magnon and the spike on S In world sheet ( ) In target space 2

Now, consider two localized excitation carrying world sheet momentum p and –p respectively. Note that two trajectories (blue and green) lie in the different values of, The world sheet momentum of the string excitation corresponds to the difference of the target space coordinate 2

- the macroscopic open string case in the infinite string limit, we can consider a single excitation with momentum along an infinite string. ~ p 2 In world sheet In the target space

Spike in flat spacetime In conformal gauge in flat Minkowski solution (Eq. of motion ) (constraints ) Dispersion relation

n = 3n = 10 Gauge Theory Operator

Spiky strings in AdS Ansatz Metric solution Dispersion relation Action

Rotating string on Nambu-Goto action with the target space-time metric Ansatz 2 Magnons and Spikes on AdS5 x S5

Equation of motion From the first equation, c: integration const This solution satisfy all equations of motion. oo 2

Conserved quantities 1) the energy 2) the angular momentum 3) the angle difference( ~ the momentum of an excitation) 3. The giant magnon and the spike on S 2

Depnding on the parameter region, we obtain two different configurations. magnon spike 2

1) magnon (case ii) the conserved quantities 2

1) spike (case iv) the dispersion relation for spike 2

(*). The string description for the magnon bound state The dispersion relation for the magnon bound state - Q-magnon bound state the elementary magnon in this subsector : In string theory side, this dispersion relation corresponds to that of the giant magnon carrying two independent angular momentum, J and J describing the string moving on 21

Spike on R x S2 with NS-NS B field metric action ansatz

Solution (Dispersion Relation) giant graviton spike solution

Rotating String on Melvin Deform AdS3 x S3 metric action ansatz

Solution (Dispersion Relation) small B

Three-spin Spiky string onAdS3 x S3 metric action ansatz

Solution (Dispersion Relation) circular string on AdS Helical string on AdS

3.AdS –CFT for M2 Branes in M theory 2+1 dim. CFT (ABJM Theory) Gravity on

Rotating String Solution on RxS2xS2 Metric for AdS4 x CP3 Metric for R x S2 x S2

Ansatz Solution

Giant Magnon & Spike (finite size) Dispersion Relation

Spike Solution Dispersion Relation

finite size effect Giant magnon Spike

4. Summary and discussion - It was shown that the magnon in the spin chain can be described by the giant magnon solution in string theory. - Furthermore, the magnon bound state is also described by a giant magnon with two angular momentum - Investigate the solutions of Spikes on R x S2 with B field Rotating String on Melvin deformed AdS3 x S3 Three spin spiky solutions on AdS3 x S3 -> circular/helical strings on AdS - Study the scattering of the magnon solution. - Find the dual integrable model corresponding to the spike solution.

Summary - continued - Magnon like solutions for strings in I-brane background - Spiky Strings on AdS4 x CP3 - much of the AdS / CFT still need to be confirmed