Support for Forming Temporal Business Alliances as Networked Enterprises Marián Mach 1, Peter Bednár 1, Karol Furdík 2 1 Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University of Košice, Letná 9, Košice, Slovakia {marian.mach, 2 InterSoft, a.s., Floriánska 19, Košice, Slovakia CECIIS Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems Varaždin, Croatia, September , 2009
Contents Introduction, motivation Project SPIKE: basic facts, vision System architecture Architecture design System components, structure of functional managers System data, ontology design Information view, data elements Conceptual perspective, ontology design Technology used Pilot applications Conclusions, future work
Motivation Networked enterprises: combining BP modelling, semantic technologies, security infrastructure to support a creation and maintenance of short-term business alliances Related projects: STASIS (FP , eEconomy services, semantic interoperability; TrustCom (FP , framework for Virtual Organisations; OPUCE (FP , service environment, infrastructure for collaborative and dynamic loosely coupled services; SUPER (FP , modular architecture for semantic BPM. other projects and research groups focused on SWS, Security, Identity Management and Privacy, Process-Oriented Knowledge Management, etc. CECIIS Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems Varaždin, Croatia, September , 2009
Project SPIKE - Basic facts SPIKE: Secure Process-oriented Integrative Service Infrastructure for Networked Enterprises Web: FP7 ICT EU project, FP FP7-ICT-Call1, Challenge 1 - Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures, ICT in support of the networked enterprise Duration: 01/2008 – 12/2010 (36 months) Consortium: 8 partners from 5 countries (GE,A,FIN,ESP,SK) Coordinator: University of Regensburg, GE 3 Pilot applications in Austria and Finland Main objective: Development of a software service platform for the easy, secure, and fast start-up of short-term and project-based business alliances. CECIIS Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems Varaždin, Croatia, September , 2009
SPIKE vision CECIIS Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems Varaždin, Croatia, September , 2009
Architecture design CECIIS Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems Varaždin, Croatia, September , 2009 Methodology: spec. of viewpoints, perspectives, stakeholders Scope - functional viewpoint, levels of collaboration: Collaborative processes: modeled by patterns - business processes, incl. steps/activities, resources/artefacts, workflow structures, semantic description of processes. Sharing services: environment for offering and contracting services, based on project-oriented workflow. Identity federation: SPIKE as mediator to enable access to internal resources of/between alliance partners.
Architecture - system components (1) CECIIS Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems Varaždin, Croatia, September , 2009 SPIKE System Core: back end, system data processing SPIKE Service Bus: internal / external communication
Architecture - system components (2) CECIIS Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems Varaždin, Croatia, September , 2009 SPIKE Portal Instance: End users’ front-end to the system responsible for internal / external communication SPIKE Administration, Monitoring & Reporting: System management Reporting facilities
Functional description of managers CECIIS Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems Varaždin, Croatia, September , 2009 17 managers have been broken down into 48 modules Description of each manager consists of: Context of the manager Supported use cases Structure of the manager Modules with their APIs and dependencies Interactions among manager’s modules
Information view - data elements CECIIS Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems Varaždin, Croatia, September , 2009
Conceptual perspective CECIIS Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems Varaždin, Croatia, September , 2009 Ontologies designed according to the data elements: Core, Resource, Service, Domain, System, Business process, & User ontologies WSMO platform, WSML ontology representation WSMO Lite conceptual model Existing ontologies reused: Dublin Core, WSMO ontologies, SKOS, vCard, SIOC, ontologies of project SUPER, etc. Methodology: Requirement-driven approach Semantic BP modelling Creation of BP models for ACs Identification of information resources exchanged in the process Semantic annotation of process elements (sub-processes, tasks, activities, services)
Technology used CECIIS Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems Varaždin, Croatia, September , 2009 Open Source, Java-based Ontologies and semantic annotation: WSMO framework, WSMO Studio ( BP modelling: based on BPMN/BPEL, BPMO Modeller (of WSMO Studio), sBPEL ontology. Enterprise Service Bus: Java Business Integration (JBI) compliant ESB (Apache ServiceMIX, OpenESB) Portal integration layer: Intalio Tempo Security: Single Sign On service & Authentication: Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL), PERMIS infrastructure for authorization
Pilot applications CECIIS Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems Varaždin, Croatia, September , 2009 1. Information hotel Controlling and automation of the supplier vs. client documentation management processes and related sub-processes Use cases: uploading, sending, receiving docs from supplier, verifying uploaded docs, verifying received docs near deadline, sending reminder messages to suppliers,... 2. Legacy applications Location of services of partners, integration into workflows. Use cases: maintenance of service providers, service information and configuration, tracking services, contracting and ordering services,... 3. Identity federation Enable access to the inner infrastructure of partners within an alliance to support effective collaboration. Use cases: collaboration setup and maintenance, role and resource management
Conclusions Work done so far: User requirements and application cases specified for all the pilots; Guidelines, methodology and toolchain for semantic mark-up of the processes and resources provided, development of ontologies and BP models is in progress; Architecture of the platform designed, functional components identified and described in their mutual interactions, detailed specification created, technology frameworks identified, implementation is ongoing. Future work: System implementation: 1st prototype (10/09) Semantic BP modelling: Development of the resource ontologies and BP models (10/09) 1st trial of the pilot applications, validation of the SPIKE platform on the application cases (11-12/09) CECIIS Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems Varaždin, Croatia, September , 2009
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