Ground motion data J Volk The first graph is the difference in two sensors 90 meter apart in MINOS hall the data shows the earth tides and also tilting of the floor due to water movement another year of data is need to see if the summer slump is a regular occurrence The second slid is the FFT of that data showing the tide and sump pump tests. The peaks for the tides are clearly visible The third and fourth graphs are horizontal and vertical seismic measurements taken at the surface at Fermilab. The large spike at 4.6 hz is due to CHL it is seen everywhere on the surface. The data were taken 1.2 kilometers from CHL. The 6 th and 7 th are seismic measurements made in the MINOS hall at at depth of 100 meters. The CHL 4.6 hz line is not apparent. A large spike at 10 and 20 hz is apparent in the vertical it is assumed but not yet tested that this is due to vacuum and LCW systems in the decay tunnel.
Difference between two sensors 90 meters apart in MINOS hall data from December 2005 to March 2007 This shows the tilt in the floor The spikes are due to monthly Sump pump tests
Fast Fourier Transform of difference between two sensor 90 meters apart in MINOS hall 12.4 hour period Due to earth tides Monthly sump pump tests
Horizontal seismometer measurements of surface at Fermilab (MP8 tunnel) Large spike is 4.6 hz due to Central helium liquefier plant
Vertical seismometer measurements of surface at Fermilab (MP8 tunnel) Spike at 4.6 hz due to central helium liquefier
Horizontal seismometer measurements MINOS hall
Vertical seismometer measurements MINOS hall