Get a ball. Find a partner and stand across the court from each other. Throw the ball up into the air and spike it down into the ground so that after once bounce, it should reach your partner. Do this only as long as it takes to warm-up your shoulders and arms.
Spiking- A hard-driven ball that is hit when trying to score or gain a side out. Learning Target - By the end of the lesson you should be able to spike the ball down with the palm of your hand over the net.
Right-Handed Approach Step left, right, left Left-Handed Approach Step right, left,right The first two steps of approach are slow and big, and the last two steps are quick and small. Next, you bring your arms back behind your back as you begin your approach. Turn your shoulders towards the ball. Make contact with the ball in front of your body with an open palm 3 Steps Spike Approach - m/ - YouTube
A setter will stand in the middle of the court and set the ball to the hitter, while the hitter hits it with the 3 step approach. SPIKING DRILL watch?v=SOT0fMcGcrc#t =46
By the end of this lesson, you should have been able to spike effectively over the net.