HISTORY OF SEPAK Sepak takraw is a skill ball game originated from Asia. It combines the teamwork of volleyball, the dexterity of soccer and the finesse of badminton. In Thailand it is called takraw, but the official name of this internationally recognized game is sepak takraw. Without a doubt it is one of the world’s most exciting sports, both to play and to watch, yet it is relatively unknown outside of Southeast Asia. Playing the sport requires little in the way of equipment or preparation but it does require quick reflexes, coordination, agility and, above all, technique. Thick skin is also helpful; a skillfully kicked takraw ball can travel at speeds of over 60mph! The game is played by two opposing Regus, a team of three players each, on a court separated by a net similar to badminton. It begins with the service, executed by a ball toss from one player to the Server. Then, the players try to beat their opponents using their legs and head, except their hands, inside three kicks. The highlight is the "spike" (see right picture above). This is the most dramatic and explosive move in the game for spectators to watch as players go mid-air, twisting and turning to power the ball down into the opponent's court. To play takraw, players can use either a net, a hoop, or simply stand around in a circle formation. Whatever the style, the object is to kick the ball to another player without the ball touching the ground. Players can use any of their lower limbs and body but absolutely no hands!
RULES OF THE GAME Server must stand inside of the “Center Circle” to serve the ball. The other two teammates have to stand in their quarter circle located at the corners of the net. Players have 3 hits on the ball before they have to send the ball back over the net. The ball is kept in play without hitting the ground. At any point does a player touch the ball with their arms or hands. Games last until a team has scored 15 or 21 points.(depending on the rules that are in place for that game) Initiation The game is initiated when one of the forwards tosses the ball to the back player - the "Server" who must keep one foot inside the serving circle and the other foot outside. The ball must be kicked with the foot outside the circle in one attempt over the net. Note: A ball hitting the net on the serve is "good".
THE MANY KICKS OF TAKRAW Kicks are for Kids!
Court is very similar in dimension of the court that is used to played the game of badminton. (20x40 feet) Net is 5 feet 1 inch high in center Flat surface Regulation post height is set at 5’4” Service Circle- The service circle of 1 foot radius shall be drawn on the left and right court, the center of which is 8 feet from the back line of the court and 10 feet from the side boundary. The Service Circle is measured and drawn outward from the edge of the center of the 1 foot radius. Quarter Circle- A corner of each center line, a quarter circle shall be drawn from the side line to the center line with a radius of 3.0 feet measured and drawn outwards from the edge of the 3.0 foot radius. COURT
THE BALL Traditionally, the ball is made by weaving bamboo or rattan into a spherical shape. In 1982, Marathon Intergrade Co., Ltd. Revolutionized the sport by introducing woven synthetic (plastic) balls. Today, almost all players around the world are using synthetic takraw balls. Weight: Takraw balls range in weight from 140 grams to 200 grams. Normally younger and beginner players start with lighter balls and move up in weight. For advanced players the optimal weight for advanced Sepak Takraw balls is 175 grams. Some people use heavier balls for additional spring or when playing outdoors in order to minimize the effect of the wind. The Weave: The tightness of the weave of takraw balls determine the spring, bounce and speed. A "soft" ball has less bounce. A "hard" ball will have maximum bounce. Official Takraw Balls: The official ISTAF Sepak Takraw ball for Tournament play for men is the: Marathon MT201, and for women is the: Marathon MT201 Jr
GAME VARIATIONS OF SEPAK! Net Takraw Net takraw is played in a badminton-sized court. Lots are drawn beforehand to determine placement of the players and the first serve. In-tossing Takraw With fewer rules to abide by, the point is simply to see how many times the ball can be hit aloft by the player. It is a means of training for a player. Some can hit the ball from positions which call for stooping or lying down. A good player should be able to keep the ball aloft for ten minutes and, if he is joined by others, the group should manage to keep it in play for close to an hour. Naturally, this is a skill which only the most adept players can manage: they have trained arduously, are able to concentrate for a long period, and are able to use their bodies dexterously. Hoop Takraw Considered the most difficult version of the game is 'lawd huang', as it is known locally. Similar to circle takraw, but the goal is to put the ball into a basket- shaped net with three hoop openings in a triangular formation suspended some five to six meters above ground. Standing at the perimeter of a circle, each team is given an allotted time, usually 20 or 30 minutes, to put the ball in the basket as many times and as gracefully as they can. Points are awarded for difficulty and creativity, so players break out their full repertoires of such expert maneuvers as cross-legged jump kicks and other artistic kicks behind the back or with the sole of the foot, as well as strikes with the elbows, shoulders and forehead. In-scoring Takraw Played with no nets or hoops, the ball rotates from player to player, and each is scored according to the skill displayed. After 30 minutes or ten starting throws, the highest score determines the winner. Takraw Wong (circle takraw) The name says it all. The less acrobatic takraw wong consists of five to seven players standing in a circle, trying to keep the ball airborne as long as possible. Other than football, takraw wong is perhaps the most popular pastime among Thai people since no other special skills are required except for creativity of movement.