Vienna Youth Volleyball Great Introduction to Volleyball League-sponsored Player Skills Clinics & Coaches Clinics Sportsmanship Pledge Required (Players, Coaches, & Parents) Focus on Fun & Skills Development with Spirited Team Competition Good, Safe Facilities (high quality, safe equipment) Dedicated, volunteer Coaches Linkage to DC-area Volleyball clubs, clinics, camps, tournaments Maximized Volleyball Playing Time & “Positive Touches” We want kids to play volleyball – at practice, at home, at school (BYOBall program) Try to make sure that the kids “touch” volleyballs during practice (not just coaches) 10 Weeks Practice- 7 Games & Playoffs Equal Playing Time Policy Family Friendly Minimal Travel Burden - Vienna Community/School-centered Minimal Time Commitment - 3 hours/week & No Weekend Commitments Minimal Cost Commitment – BYO Sneakers & Knee Pads VYI League Provides Rest – Gym Facilities, Jerseys, Balls, Referees USAV Goals for Juniors 1.Teach volleyball skills 2.Help kids to have fun 3.Teach teamwork 4.Build friendships Vienna Youth Volleyball1 5.Improve communication skills 6.Help participants understand winning 7.Learn a sport for a lifetime 8.Foster emotional, psychological growth and development
Volleyball Basics - Rotations Vienna Youth Volleyball2 Position #1 – Server Front Row Back Row Rotation >1 Substitutions: -Recommend #4 or #1 After the serve, players can move anywhere – for House League most players stay in either front row or back row When in back row – can’t Spike or Block
Head Coach Responsibilities Identify practice slots that fit best into your schedule Communicate with players/parents Attend coaching clinic and skills development clinics Run team practices Manage team during match Communicate match results Address special player/parent needs Motivate and encourage Vienna Youth Volleyball3
Parent Communications Communicate and work closely with your parents: 1 commissioner to 22 coaches; 1 coach to 10 parents League is about learning and developing skills – not winning at all cost Go easy on referees – just HS kids helping out Coaches and at least 2 parent volunteers MUST take Building Director test before team uniforms are distributed At each game, 2 parent volunteers are needed to watch lines and 1 volunteer for keeping score Vienna Youth Volleyball4
Coaching Tips Focus on fundamental skills: serve, bump, set, spike HANDOUTS (USAVB skills diagrams and coaching tips, plus Bob’s practice outline) Skills clinics and practices should reinforce skills Uses drills that encourage as many player touches as possible Explain to parents that the focus is on 3 touches, not winning through 1 touch “Ping-pong” Vienna Youth Volleyball5
Drill Chart Legend C = Coach X = General player P = Passer H = Hitter S = Setter B = Blocker V = Server D = Defender/Digger R = Shagger/Retriever T= Tosser A/B/C/D = To identify players in non-tactical drills = Movement of Players = Movement of Ball = Ball cart
3 Person Serve Receive Drill C P S P PP P P Directions: Coach slaps ball and serves to one of players in back court. Player passes to setter. Setter retrieves ball and puts in basket and goes to end of line. Passer becomes setter. First player in line takes passer’s place. Other back court players remain in place until they receive a serve. Watch for: -All players in ready position when ball is slapped. --Calling ball --Square to tgt -Arms out and locked Variations: -Use player to initiate by serving --Insert Blocker -Setter moves to blocker, Ball Movement Player Movement P P
3 Passing Triangles w/ Net Drill (PTN) P S Notes: -Tosser tosses ball underhand over net to passer, who overhead passes or forearm passes to setter, who catches ball in OH pass position while square to N1. - Setter bounce passes ball back to Tosser. handler. -Rotation: Passer goes to setter, setter goes to tosser.. Variations: -Can vary height of toss to generate overhead passes or forearm passes. -Serve to passer rather -IF passing scores are good, add a hitter who catches ball and bounces Tosser -If control a problem use only 2 tossers on same side -Use only 2 tossers and add a 2 nd passer (short) and alternate tosses. Ball Movement Player Movement T S PT P T S
TT P2P1 P P Objective: To strengthen movement and passing Directions: Note this drill is designed for using 2 tossers and passers simultaneously to increase frequency of touches. Passers touch hands at middle of court and shuffle to outside, maintaing good medium position. Tosser tosses ball to outside edge of court. Passers pass ball to setter, dropping inside shoulder to ensure platform is to target. Setter catches ball in setting position squared to X (or hitter if hitter added) and puts ball in cart. Passers go back and touch hands Repeat 5x and rotate, P to S, S to Shagger (Sh), Sh to Passing line. Variations More basic: Passer lets ball go between legs and a shagger behind passer retrieves ball and bounces to setter. More difficult: Increase distance fro passer and force passers to run through the ball Passer catches ball with arms locked and tosses to Setter Setter catches ball in FA pass or OH pass position Have players move to opposite line after shagging so they get experience passing from both sides of court Multi-skill: Add hitter and setter sets to hitter. Coach initiated or player initiated. If a large team add a ball handler to take ball from cart and hand to tosser S2 Inside Outside Drill S1 R R R=Shagger T=Tosser S=Setter P=Passer Path of Player Path of Ball =Cart
Platform Passing Drill ( Player Initiated) Directions: Tosser tosses ball to passer (P) in back court. Player FA passes to setter. Setter catches/shags ball in setting position then goes to B. B becomes T and moves to become P. Extra players line up behind P and T goes to end of line Keys: -Be ready: All players assume good ready position when ball is slapped. --Call ball: Players call ball early and loudly --Arms locked: In position early, arms locked -Freeze: Minimum arm movement, us shoulders and legs -Platform to target: Tilt platform to tgt - Look for Back spin on ball -Tossers keep elbow high, step into Variations: -Players pass multiple passes before rotating -Have players OH pass ball to setter -Vary toss so players must choose appropriate pass. -Begin tossing to COG but then vary location of toss Ball Movement Player Movement T S P B