© 2009 Perkin Elmer As Speciation in Apple Juice Charles Schneider, Presenter Kenneth Neubauer, Co-Author PerkinElmer
… we explain that some scientific studies have shown that two forms of organic arsenic found in apple juice could also be harmful, and for that reason, the FDA counts these two forms of organic arsenic in with the overall content for inorganic arsenic.
Initial Goals Develop an Improved Method for As Speciation in Urine As(III), As(V), MMA, DMA, AsB Increase the Speed of Analysis Current methods require 10 minutes or longer Some methods use of LC gradients Shorter chromatograms but long sample-to-sample times i.e. 8 minute chromatogram, but 20 minutes between samples Attain Baseline Resolution of All Species
As5 As3 MMA DMA AsB Improving the Separation 1 ppb Mixed As Standard Faster Separation, Better Resolution Reversed-Phase Ion Pairing Chromatography
As5 As3 MMA DMA AsB Separation in Urine 2 Consecutive Injections of a Urine Sample Diluted 2x Urine Matrix Does Not Hinder the Separation All 5 species are baseline resolved Good Injection-to-Injection Stability
Other Matrices: Apple Juice Recent Media Focus on As in Apple Juice What forms? Will the Newly-Developed Separation Work in Apple Juice? Urine: High salt content Juice: High sugar content FDA Method in Development for As Speciation in Fruit Juices
FDA Method Elemental Analysis Manuals: Section 4.10: HPLC-ICP-MS Determination of Four Arsenic Species in Fruit Juice Version Draft 0.82 (August 2010) Author: Sean D. Conklin Species: As(III), As(V), MMA, DMA Check for AsB interference Can this separation be improved? Shorter time Better resolution between peaks
Goals Focus on the Separation Chemistry of As Species in Apple Juice Sample preparation Chromatographic conditions Affect of juice matrix Variability among different apple juices Once the LC Conditions are Established, Focus on Quantitation Optimal ICP-MS conditions Calibration strategies Characterize Method
Following FDA LC Methodology Separation of 5 Species Slightly better separation and shorter chromatogram Different version of ion-exchange column listed in the FDA Method
Following FDA LC Methodology Apple Juice – 5x Dilution Juice matrix does not affect retention times or separation/resolution of peaks Apple Juice - 5x Dilution + 5 ppb Spike Dilution in mobile phase
Applying Improved As in Urine LC Methodology Apple Juice +/- 1 ppb Spike Apple Juice Matrix Does Not Affect the Separation No matrix-induced peak shift Peak shape is unaffected Dilution in mobile phase Black: Juice (5x dilution) Blue: Juice (5x) + 1ppb spike As5 As3 MMA DMA AsB ICP-MS in Standard Mode No Interferences
Effect of Dilution Factor Lower Dilution Factor Doesn’t Affect the Chromatography No change in retention time or peak shape But some dilution is necessary Matrix match mobile phase and sample Black: Juice – 5x dilution Blue: Juice – 2x dilution As5 As3 MMA DMA Benefit: Lower concentrations can be measured How low is relevant?
As5 As3 MMA DMA AsB Effect of Dilution Factor Apple Juice Diluted 2x +/- 1 ppb Spike Lower Dilution Factor Does Not Affect the Chromatography No matrix-induced peak shift Peak shape is unaffected No interferences Black: Juice (2x dilution) Blue: Juice (2x) + 1ppb spike
Stability 20 Injections over 100 Minutes of Apple Juice Diluted 2x Good Stability Still need to evaluate longer-term stability As5 As3 MMA DMA
Effect of Injection Volume Benefit: Ability to See Lower Levels How low is relevant? Drawbacks of Larger Injection Volumes Overload the column for samples with high concentrations Possible increased sample matrix effects on the chromatography Black = 20 µL Blue = 40 µL As5 As3 MMA DMA 0.1 ppb Standard
2 points/sec 4 points/sec Effect of Sampling Rate Higher Sampling Rate Gives Noisier Peaks More difficult to integrate low levels Can’t sample too slow or else peak integration is less accurate How low is relevant? As5 As3 MMA DMA As5 As3 MMA DMA
Calibration MMA As5 As3 DMA As5 As3 DMA MMA Calibration Standards Blank, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 ppb (prepared in diluent)
Initial Quantitation Tests As5 As3 DMA MMA 5 Consecutive Injections of Apple Juice Diluted 2x
Initial Quantitation Results: Various Apple Juices All Apple Juice Diluted 2x and Run Against Aqueous External Calibration Curve
Initial Quantitation Results: Various Apple Juices Comparison: Total As vs. Sum of Species Total As Measured directly by ICP-MS (i.e. no LC) on a different instrument in another lab by a different chemist Summed As Species Sum of individual species from previous slide MMA and DMA standards made to final concentration of total molecule As is ≈ 54% of the total molecule Summed species are adjusted
Summary – Initial Results Four As species present in apple juice can be separated and measured in 4 minutes Various aspects of the chromatography have been characterized Effects of sample matrix, dilution factor, sampling rate, injection volume Method has been applied to several apple juice samples Separation is not affected by the different juices tested Initial results show good stability More stability tests need to be performed Accurate quantitative results are obtained using aqueous calibration standards Sum of species agrees with total As measurements All measurements can be made at As75 in Standard mode No interferences observed, so cell mode is not needed
Going Forward Initial results are encouraging and suggest the method will work Test Method Ruggedness Day–to-day results Run same samples over several days Stability over long runs 8-12 hours Variation from column-to-column Repeat tests on a 2 nd column of the same type Matrix Effects Can this method be applied to other matrices? Once these criteria have been met, the details of the method will be published
Questions That Need Answering Other juices need testing? Which ones? What levels need to be measured? How low is biologically relevant? How will the test be implemented? Measure juices for total As and only those about a certain level subject to speciation analysis? Are there SRMS? What else needs to be shown for the method to gain acceptance?
Other Matrices: Rice Run by Alternate Separation Method How Would the New Method Work? Better separation of other As peaks in brown rice? Thai Rice As5 As3 DMA Brown Rice As5 As3 DMA ? ? ?