C. Papadimitriou 1,2,G. Balasis 1, I. A. Daglis 2,1 R. Haagmans 3 1 Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing, National.


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Presentation transcript:

C. Papadimitriou 1,2,G. Balasis 1, I. A. Daglis 2,1 R. Haagmans 3 1 Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing, National Observatory of Athens, Athens, Greece 2 Department of Physics, University of Athens, Athens, Greece SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

 ULF Waves (Pc3)  TFA Tool Examples  FTP Server & Products  Methodology  Validation Statistics SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

Pulsation classes Continuous pulsations Irregular pulsations Pc 1Pc 2Pc 3Pc 4Pc 5Pi 1Pi 2 T [s] f Hz Hz mHz 7-22 mHz 2-7 mHz Hz 2-25 mHz Compressional Pc 3 dayside upstream relate to wave-particle interaction in the foreshock and shock Toroidal Pc 3 or multi-harmonics dayside upstream field line resonance harmonics in Pc 3 / Pc 4 range, compressional Pc3 as a driver (coupling with the fundamental toroidal mode) SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

Range nT Resolution10 pT Noise level< 50 pT (rms) -3 dB bandwidth0.28 Hz Sample rate1 Hz Absolute accuracy< 0.5 nT Range of ion density ions/m 3 Range of ion temperature K Range of drift velocity0 - 6 km/s Resolution of ion velocity < 1° direction, < 130 m/s speed Sample rates DM mode RPA mode PLP mode 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 HZ 0, 8, 16 Hz 0, 1/15 Hz Overhauser Magnetometer Digital Ion Drift Meter SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

 Read Data (daily files) in a day-to-day basis (+/- a few minutes to avoid edge effects)  Interpolate (small) gaps  Filter (cutoff at 20 mHz)  Wavelet Transform (50 logarithmically spaced frequencies from 20 to 100 mHz)  Track Segmentation [-90, +90] degrees in Mag. Lat.  Event Detection Two - step thresholding  Parameter Extraction  Database Creation  Post Processing Balasis et al. 2013; Earth, Planets and Space SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

Ignoring largest 10% points to minimize spike influence

Balasis et al. ULFwave activity during the 2003 Halloween superstorm: multipoint observations fromCHAMP, Cluster and Geotail missions,Ann. Geophys., 30, , doi: /angeo t peak = 14:42 f peak = 79 mHz Δ t ~ 23’ Power peak = 2 8 nT 2 /Hz Max(|B|) = 5.45 nT Max(| ΔΒ |) = 2.73 nT/sec roughness(n) ~ cm -3 r MAG = (-7 o, 40 o, 401 km) MLT = 13:06, Lshell (ONERA IRBEM LIB) SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

t peak = 14:42 f peak = 79 mHz NOT AT THE EDGES Δ t ~ 23’ Δ t > 2 (1/f peak ) Power peak = 2 8 nT 2 /Hz EXCLUDE WEAK EVENTS Max(|B|) = 5.45 nT Max(| ΔΒ |) = 2.73 nT/sec REMOVE SPIKES Max(| ΔΒ |) vs Max(|B|) roughness(n) ~ cm -3 PLASMA INSTABILITIES r MAG = (-7 o, 40 o, 401 km) MLT = 13:06 Balasis et al. ULFwave activity during the 2003 Halloween superstorm: multipoint observations fromCHAMP, Cluster and Geotail missions,Ann. Geophys., 30, , doi: /angeo SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

t peak = 14:42 f peak = 79 mHz NOT AT THE EDGES Δ t ~ 23’ Δ t > 2 (1/f peak ) Power peak = 2 8 nT 2 /Hz EXCLUDE WEAK EVENTS Max(|B|) = 5.45 nT Max(| ΔΒ |) = 2.73 nT/sec REMOVE SPIKES Max(| ΔΒ |) vs Max(|B|) roughness(n) ~ cm -3 PLASMA INSTABILITIES r MAG = (-7 o, 40 o, 401 km) MLT = 13:06 Balasis et al. ULFwave activity during the 2003 Halloween superstorm: multipoint observations fromCHAMP, Cluster and Geotail missions,Ann. Geophys., 30, , doi: /angeo SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

 1 Hz magnetic field data (ASM scalar & magnitude of VFM vector)  2 Hz electron density data (from LP instrument)  Time span: 15 th May 2014 – 15 th Nov 2014  > 5,000 Tracks [-90, +90] degrees  ~ 1,500 Wave Events per satellite Selected  Additional Data: OmniWeb Service SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam

Automated Detection Methodology Statistics of Wave Parameters Variations of Wave Parameters vs Time Comparison between Instruments Comparison between Satellites  Statistical Validity test (more data)  Propagation/Polarization parameters  Combination of Satellites SWARM 4 th Data Quality Workshop, 2-5 Dec 2014, GFZ Potsdam