Presented by Lorraine McInnes Photo taken by Greg Wright
1) Describe rattlesnake movement patterns at Bosque del Apache? 2) Do movement patterns and hibernacula differ between riparian and upland habitat?
Spatial Distributions Data analysis: Season and Gender variation, response to Temperature and Moisture fluctuations Habitat usage Data Organization
Animal Movements Create Minimum Convex Polygons Calculate Movement Parameters Convert Locations To Paths Success!! 18 snakes- Routes and Home Range outputs
To get those results: Many repetitions, changes in excel and arcmap Learned many lessons on how to organize this kind of data Currently: Have an up to date, edited data file Simplified, step by step repeatable process to get weekly movement results.
Average size, all snakes (n=18): 31 ha, range 2-81 ha Average size, male (n=11): 35.2 ha, range 5-81 ha Average size, females (n=7): 24 ha, range 2-61 ha Male Female
NameAverage DistanceTotal Dist (m)Range No Move DaysTotal Days Bridge Chucky Exit Feebooth Fireshop Hwy1Marsh Hwy1SVC Hwy1Tool LFRdNewS MarshLoops MLoopOLD RR Trestle Sandog SBDAERR Six Stall Smokey Spike Toilette
Next step: Activity Clustering Statistical Analysis of Movements to describe movement differences by habitat, season, and gender *Revisit Spatial Statistics and Regression Analysis Virtual Courses
Hwy 1 and/or RR was crossed 81 times. Hwy1Tool-crossed road or tracks 22 times. Next highest number of crossings: 12
ArcScene-3D animation Animation in general Habitat-spatial join…veg type text to numeric value?! Hawth’s Tools-route issues continue
Refine movement parameters and generate more descriptive statistics Animate certain routes to better visualize movement, 2D, 3D- Flythrough tour Generate habitat use spatial join to determine which habitats the snakes were used more than others Field work: Characterize new dens and determine site preference based on various parameters-slope, aspect, elevation, proximity to roads, water, man-made structures, etc. Den Site Suitability model