The University of Manchester Introducción al análisis del código neuronal con métodos de la teoría de la información Dr Marcelo A Montemurro
Information theory
Entropy Suppose there is a source that produces symbols, taken from a given alphabet Assume also that there is a certain probability distribution, with support over the alphabet, that determines that outcome of the source (for the moment we assume iid sources).
Probability of observing the outcome i Normalisation of a probability distribution We define the ‘surprise’ of event i as Empirical determination of a probability There are n i outcomes of event i in a total of N trials. Then if N>>1 [bits]
headstails p(heads)=0.5 p(tails)=0.5 What is the average surprise? Average of a random variable Example
Then the average surprise is Entropy For our coin,
Frequency of letters in English text p(a)=0.082; p(e)=0.127; p(q)=0.001 Surprise of letter ‘e’ Surprise of letter ‘q’ Example
If all the letters appeared with the same probability, then and Which is larger than for the real distribution. It can be shown that the entropy attains its maximum value for a uniform distribution.
Imagine a loaded die that produces always the same outcome What is the surprise of each outcome? What is the average surprise?
What if the dice is fair? What is the surprise of each outcome? What is the average surprise?
In general, the less uniform a distribution (less random) the lower is the entropy
In general, for the independent binary variable case
Thus for a noiseless communication system the entropy quantifies the amount of information that can be encoded in the signal Signal with low entropy -> low information Signal with high entropy -> high information a b 0 1 p(a) p(b) Noiseless channel
trial 1 trial 2 trial 3 Stimulus 1 (3) (4) (3) (2) trial 1 trial 2 trial 3 Stimulus 2 (5) (6) (5) (4) However, many real systems, like neurons, have a noisy output Because of the noise, a new variability has to be taken into account. On the one hand, we have the variability of the stimulus (good variability); on the other we have the variability created by the noise (bad variability) How to handle this more complex problem? How can we quantify information in the presence of noise in the channel?
noisy channel receiver transmitter X Y p(Y|X)
a b 0 1 p(a) p(b) Noiseless channel a b 0 1 p(a) p(b) Noisy channel
stimulus s response r P(r|s) Probabilistic dictionary The amount of information about the stimulus encoded in the neural response is quantified by the Mutual Information I(S;R) In general Mutual Information quantifies how much can be known about one variable by looking at the other. It can be computed from real data by characterising the stimulus-response statistics.
Mutual Information Response entropy: variability of the whole response Noise entropy: variability of the response at fixed stimulus
a b 0 1 Noisy binary channel Stimulus={a, b} p(S)={p(a),p(b)} Response={0,1} p(R)={p(0),p(1)} P(R|S)= Stimulus Response Probabilistic dictionary
Simple example a b 0 1 p(S)={0.5, 0.5}
Let us first find p(R)={p(0), p(1)} We must find p(0) and p(1) then
Now we can find the entropies to compute the information
Then, to compute the information we just take the difference between the two entropies a b 0 1
What is the meaning of information?
Response entropy: variability of the whole response Noise entropy: variability of the response at fixed stimulus
Stimulus entropy: variability of the whole stimulus Noise entropy: variability of the stimulus at fixed response
Meaning 1 : Number of yes/no questions to indentify the stimulus Stimulus 1Response 1 Stimulus 2Response 2 Stimulus 3Response 3 P(S)=1/4 H(S)H(S) Stimulus 4Response 4 Before observing the responses,questions need to be asked on average When a response is observed,questions need to be asked on average a) Deterministic responses H(S)=2
Stimulus 1Response 1 Response 2 Response 3 P(S)=1/2 H(S)H(S) Stimulus 2 Before observing the responses,questions need to be asked on average When a response is observed,questions need to be asked on average b) Overlapping responses H(S)=1 Information measures the reduction in uncertainty about the stimulus, after the responses are observed
trial 1 trial 2 trial 3 Stimulus 1 (3) (4) (3) (2) trial 1 trial 2 trial 3 Stimulus 2 (5) (6) (5) (4) Meaning 2: upper bound to the number of messages that can be transmitted through a communication channel Question: what is the number of stimuli n that can be encoded in the neural response such that their responses do not overlap? responses to S1 all responses responses to S2 responses to S3 responses to S4
Typical sequences also What is the probability of a given sequence? A typical sequence is such that every symbol appears e number of times equal to its average Then the probability of a typical sequence will be Taking logs ThenIs the probability of each typical sequence Example:
Is the probability of each typical sequence. What is the probability all typical sequences? First, how many typical sequences are there? If is the number of all typical sequences, then the total probability is Example: When we have k symbols If the sequences are very long,we can compute (using Stirling’s approximation: log(n!)=n log (n)-n) and
Question: what is the number of stimuli n that can be encoded in the neural response such that their responses do not overlap? responses to S1 all responses responses to S2 responses to S3 responses to S4
Simple explanation there are typically 2 H(R) responses that could generated by the stimulus However, due to the ‘noise’ fluctuations in the response a number 2 H(R|S) of different responses that can be attributed to the same stimulus 2 H(R)2 H(R) 2 H(R|S)2 H(R|S) Then, how many stimuli can be reliably encoded in the neural response? Therefore, finding that a neuron transmits n bits of information within a behaviourally relevant time window, means that there are potentially 2 n different stimuli that can be discriminated only on the basis of the neuron’s response.
How do we estimate information in a neural system?
External stimulus Sensory system Spike trains Encoding T [ms] L … … … 0110 S 1 stimuli trials per stimulus S 2 S 3 Stimulus conditions P(r|s) N s S r=(r 1, r 2, …, r L ) Each stimulus is presented with probability P(s) T=L Δt
P(r|t) P(r) Response probability conditional to the stimulus (at fixed time t) Unconditional response probability Trials P(r|t) Time window T Bin of size ∆t Response entropy: variability of the whole response Noise entropy: variability of the response at fixed time Mutual Information quantifies how much variability is left after subtracting the effect of noise. It is measured in bits (Meaning 3)
To measure P(r|s) we need to estimate up to 2 L -1 parameters from the data The statistical errors in the estimation of P(r|s) lead to a systematic bias in the entropies Number of response ‘words’ with non zero probability For N s >>1 we can obtain a first order approximation to the bias With N=N s S Bias in the information estimation Miller, A G. Info. Theory in Psychology (1955)
The response is more random. Responses are more uniformly spread over possible response words The response is less random. Responses are more concentrated over a few response words large so bias is large Small, so bias is small
Because of the bias the information is overestimated -Bias [H(R|S)]>-Bias[H(R)] Bias [H(R)-H(R|S)]>0 Adapted from Panzeri at al J. Neurophysiol 2007
A lower bound to the information For words of length L, we need to estimate at least 2^L parameters from the data! Independent model In general Using the independent model we can compute To estimate this probability we need only 2L parameters! This entropy is much less biased
Trial Trial Trial r 1 r 2 r 3 r 4 Shuffling Trial Trial Trial r 1 r 2 r 3 r 4 There is an alternative way of estimating the entropy of the independent model. Instead of neglecting the correlations by computing the marginals, we simply destroy them in the original dataset.
a) b) Essentially because shuffling creates a larger number of response words with non zero probability
Log 2 (trials) Information [bits] I I sh Δ I Δ I Log 2 (trials) Information [bits] I I sh Δ I Δ I Montemurro et al Neural Computation (2007) Now we propose the following estimator fro the entropy
Further improvements can be achieved with extrapolation methods We have N trials. We then get estimates of the entropy for different subsets of trials: N/2, and N/4 This gives 3 estimation of the information: I 1, I 2, and I 4 Up to 2 nd order this is the equation of a parabola in 1/N. Quadratic extrapolation
The practical Efficiency of neural code of the H1 neuron of the fly
Experiment was done: right before sunset, at midday, and right after sunset The same visual seen was presented times. 1)Examine the data 2)Generate rasters for the three conditions 3)Compute the time varying firing rate, allowing for different binnings. 4)Compute spike-count information as a function of window size 5)Compute spike-time information as a function of window size 6)Determine the maximum response word length for which the estimation is accurate 7)Compute the efficiency of the code: e=I(R,S)/H(R)=1-H(R|S)/H(R) 8) Discuss