Chapter 12 Structure of Nucleic Acids
12.1 The Primary Structure of Nucleic Acids
The chain termination or dideoxy method of DNA sequencing
Automated DNA Sequencing
12.2 Secondary Structure of DNA DNA double helix right-handed 10bp per turn 0.34nm d = 2nm
Base stacking force
12.3 Denaturation and Renaturation of DNA DNA Denaturation
DNA Renaturation
Nucleic Acid Hybridization Buoyant Density of DNA
Density gradient centrifugation
12.4 Supercoil and Cruciform : Tertiary structure in DNA
Relaxed DNA Unwound DNA Superhelix DNA
Palindromic sequence cruciform
12.5 Secondary and Tertiary Structure of RNA Unusual bases of RNA
Messenger RNA ( mRNA ) 5`-cap 3`-poly(A) 7-methyl-G-cap
Transfer RNA ( tRNA ) Cloverleaf secondary structure of tRNA
Tertiary interactions in yeast phenylalanine tRNA
L-shaped tertiary form
Ribosomal RNA ( rRNA )
The proposed secondary structure for E.coli 16S rRNA