MACROMOLECULES important to living things! 1._____________ 2. _____________ 3. _____________ (Fats, oils, waxes, steroids) 4._____________ Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids Nucleic acids
NUCLEIC ACIDS contain: _______, _________, _______, ___________ and ________ Image by: Riedell NUCLEOTIDE are built from ___________ subunits CARBON HYDROGEN OXYGEN PHOSPHORUS NITROGEN
Image by: Riedell NUCLEOTIDES Changing the _______ & and ____________ produces ___________nucleotide subunits sugar nitrogen base different Arrow:
Image by: Riedell NUCLEOTIDES 2 SUGARS can be used: ____________ (_____) ________ (____) DEOXYRIBOSE DNA RIBOSE RNA Sugars: Arrow:
5 NITROGEN BASES _____________ = A _____________ = G _____________ = C _____________ = T (only in DNA) _____________ = U (only in RNA) ADENINE GUANINE CYTOSINE THYMINE URACIL
These Nitrogen bases: _____________ NO __________ Image by: Riedell MAKING _____ USES: uracil DEOXYRIBOSE DNA A, T, C, or G SUGAR = _______________ Sugars:
SUGAR = __________ These Nitrogen bases _____________ NO __________ Image by: Riedell Making _____ uses” thymine RIBOSE RNA A, U, C, or G Sugars:
What kind of chemical reaction do you think is used to join nucleotide subunits to make nucleic acids? ____________ dehydration synthesis
2 KINDS of NUCLEIC ACIDS DNA= __________________ Deoxyribonucleic acid Image from: ______________ STRANDED SUBUNITS: A, T, G, C (No U) DOUBLE
DNA molecule forms a HELIX or “twisted ladder” __________ bonds _________ with _________ bonds __________ with Image from: ADENINE THYMINE CYTOSINEGUANINE
2 KINDS of NUCLEIC ACIDS RNA= ________________ Ribonucleic acid _________STRANDED Subunits: A, U, G, C (NO T) Image from: SINGLE
DNA _______ _________ __________ in cells Image from: More about this in Chapters 7, 10, 11, 12, and 14 Stores genetic information
RNA _______________________ __________ out ________ Helps with _________________ Image from: Pearson Education Inc, publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved More about this in Chapters 7 and 12 CARRIES INFORMATION from DNAto cell PROTEIN SYNTHESIS