Book of Life DNA & Protein Synthesis Ch10
Nucleic Acids DNA RNA ATP
Where is DNA located? Hammerling & acetabularia expt.
Questions of the Day Is heredity info. Protein or DNA? –Griffith & Avery Transforming principle –Hershey & Chase Bacteriophage experiments What is the structure of DNA? –Watson & Crick – essential structure –Rosalind Franklin X-ray chrystallography How does it work?
Bonding Sugar/phosphate “poles” N- base pairs
DNA is “nice” Complementary Base Pairing –Chargaff’s rule #A = #T #C = #G
Replication Making a copy (synthesizing new DNA) –Always attach at 3’ end Towards replication fork Away from fork in “chunks” –each new cell made has an exact copy of the original DNA from the parent cell
Enzymes help speed up the process Helicase DNA Polymerase Ligase
No Mistakes allowed!! “Typo’s” or mutations occur Proofreading enzymes repair mutations Only 1 error/billion nucleotides allowed
Mutations & Genetic Traits Sequences of DNA codes make up genes Any change to the code changes the gene Any change to the gene changes what we see in our phenotype