Assign Yourself: 3D Cell Project DUE MONDAY Do Now: Collins Writing Type 2, 5 – 8 lines. Describe osmosis using the following terms (underline or high light terms): water, solute concentration, hypertonic, shrink, hypotonic, swell, isotonic, same.
Assign Yourself: Define definitions on pg 79. Science Notebook. Do Now: Collins Writing Type 1, 5-8 lines in 5min: Why do you think they say, “you are what you eat”?
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Topic: Biomolecules of life EQ: What are the 4 biomolecules? What is the structure and function for carbohydrates and lipids?
Organic Molecules You just need a processing page.
What do you think of when you think of building blocks?
Examples of building blocks Many slices of bread = 1 loaf of bread Many bricks = 1 brick wall Many beads = 1 bead bracelet Many links = 1 chain
What are organic molecules made of? Molecules containing carbon. They also often contain hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.
What are the 4 types of organic molecules? 1.Carbohydrates 2.Lipids 3.Proteins 4.Nucleic Acids
What is the difference between a monomer and a polymer? A monomer is ONE subunit (building block) of an organic molecule. A polymer is MANY monomers put together.
Carbohydrates Monomer: monosaccharide Examples: Glucose Galactose Fructose
Carbohydrates Polymer: polysaccharide Examples: Starch (in plants) Cellulose (in plants) Glycogen (in animal)
Processing Piece: Draw a hexagon and label it glucose. Then draw a chain of glucose molecules and label it “starch”. molecule. Label one picture “monosaccharide” and the other “polysaccharide.” Answer this question: What molecules would you get if you broke down a starch molecule?
Carbohydrates Function: – Monosaccharides = quick energy. Mitochondria use monosaccharides like glucose to make ATP. – Polysaccharides = stored energy. Polysaccharides like starch can be broken down QUICKLY into monosaccharides when your body needs energy.
Carbohydrates Composition : – Carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen (Circle these on your paper.
Lipids Monomer: Fatty acids and glycerol Polymer: Lipids
Function: – Long-term energy storage. – Insulation in animals; conserving heat and keeping you warm.
Processing Piece: Write “carbohydrate” and draw a picture to help you remember its function. (Example: You could draw an energy drink, or candy, or a person with a lot of energy.) Write “lipid - insulation” and draw a picture to help you remember its function. (Example: You could draw a picture of a coat or a blanket or a fire to help you remember that lipids help you conserve heat and stay warm.)
Lipids Composition : – Carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen (Circle these on your paper.)
Check with your partner Monomers? Polymers? Carb monomers? Carb polymers? Carb function? Lipid monomers? Lipid polymers? Lipid function?
Assign Yourself: Parent signature and commentary. Pg (BOOK) stickie/annotate and outline (due tmw) DO NOW: Collins Writing Type 2, 5 – 8 lines Compare and contrast carbohydrates and lipids’ structure and function. You must include the following terms: composition, monomer, polymer, monosaccharide, polysaccharide, fatty acid, lipid, function. Underline the words when you use them.
Topic: Biomolecules EQ: What is the structure and function of proteins and nucleic acids?
Proteins Monomer: Amino acids Polymer: Polypeptide
Processing Piece: Draw a circle and label it “amino acid”. Then draw a chain of amino acids and label it “polypeptide”. molecule. Label one picture “monomer” and the other “polymer.” Answer this question: What molecules would you get if you broke down a protein molecule?
Proteins Function : – Many different jobs. Examples: Storage, transport, cell-to-cell communication, growth and repair, structural support, and much, much more.
What are enzymes? Special proteins that catalyze (speed up) reactions in your body.
Proteins Composition : – Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen (Circle these on your paper.)
Nucleic Acids Monomer: Nucleotides Polymer: Nucleic Acid
Processing Piece: Draw a triangle and label it “nucleotide”. Then draw a chain of nucleotides and label it “nucleic acid”. Label one picture “monomer” and the other “polymer.” Answer this question: What molecules would you get if you broke down a DNA molecule?
Nucleic Acids Function : Stores hereditary information (your genes). Controls the production of proteins.
Nucleic acids Composition : – Carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen (Circle these on your paper.)
Processing Piece: Write the word “enzyme” and draw a picture to help yourself remember the definition. (Example: a speeding car)
Exit Ticket 1.What is the difference between a monomer and a polymer? 2.What are 2 functions of lipids?