Research Data Management Jeff Moon Data Librarian & Academic Director, Queen’s Research Data Centre
Ethics Research Data Management
Research Data Management Data management: encompasses the entire data life cycle, including data collection, organization, storage, retrieval, and preservation over time.
The Data Life Cycle Source:
What is ‘Research Data”? Numeric Video Images Sound Text & more… That which is collected, observed, or created in a digital form, for purposes of analysing to produce original research results.
Why manage & share your data? • Promotes higher quality research and peer review • Opens the door to further research • Demonstrates effective stewardship of publicly- funded data • Ensures long-term preservation of and access to data • Builds in procedures to ensure anonymity/privacy
Other factors to consider… Some scientific publications require that data be available for the scientific community before the article is published A growing number of funding agencies require that data be deposited in a public archive
Funding Agency Policies The three funding agencies have “a fundamental interest in ensuring that the results of publicly-funded research are broadly disseminated, enabling other researchers as well as policy-makers, private sector, not-for-profit organizations, and the public to use and build on this knowledge”
And, for example, current CIHR policy requires data preservation “Grantees must deposit bioinformatics, atomic and molecular coordinate data into the appropriate public database immediately upon publication of research results (e.g., deposition of nucleic acid sequences into GenBank). Refer to the Annex of this policy for examples of research outputs and the corresponding publicly accessible repository or database. Data retention, as already required by the majority of institutions, is mandated by CIHR. Grantees must retain original data sets arising from CIHR-funded research for a minimum of five years after the end of the grant. This applies to all data, whether published or not. The grantee's institution and Research Ethics Board may have additional policies and practices regarding the preservation, retention and protection of research data that must be respected.” Part of the ‘Open Government’ initiative of the government of Canada
Other factors to consider… Some scientific publications require that data be available for the scientific community before the article is published A growing number of funding agencies require that data be deposited in a public archive Future researchers can go to the ‘archive’ for your data… rather than trying to find you
Queen’s University Library Research Data Management Service Don’t underestimate the benefits of making your data ‘discoverable’…
Before RDM: Have you experienced this? Researcher-to-researcher Could you please send me your data? Could you please send me your data? Researcher-to-researcher Could you please send me your data? Could you please send me your data? Could you please send me your data? Researcher Could you please send me your data? Could you please send me your data? Could you please send me your data?
After RDM: link to archive! Researcher-to-Archive License to share data
DOI Accessing Research Data: After RDM Researcher-to-Archive DOI Digital Object Identifier … a web link
There are many resources related to research data management OK, but where do I turn? There are many resources related to research data management Queen’s University Library has pulled selected resources together into a guide…
Research Data Management
Topics covered… Overview Writing a Data Management Plan Funding Agency Guidelines Metadata Data Repositories & Archives Citing Data Best Practices in Data Management Library as Data Partner QUL Research Data Archive
Data Management Workflow
The Library as Data Partner Citing Data QUL Research Data Archive Data Repositories & Archives Writing a Data Management Plan Funding Agency Guidelines Metadata Best Practices in Data Management
Queen’s University Library Research Data Management Service We can help you with: Planning for data management data management plans & grant applications
Queen’s University Library Data Management Plans Data Description – nature, scope, scale Responsibility – shared PI and RDM service Designated Archive – finding an appropriate archive Access & Sharing – Public? Restricted? Embargoed? Selection & Retention – collection development decisions Metadata – standards-compliant description of the data Intellectual Property Rights – PI’s and institutions hold Copyright Ethics & Privacy – Informed consent & disclosure risk Format – promote recommended formats – ‘platform-agnostic’ Archiving & Preservation – forward migration of data Storage & Backup – multiple copies in distributed locations Credit: Derived from ICPSR Sample Data Management Plan:
Queen’s University Library Research Data Management Service We can help you with: Planning for data management data management plans & grant applications Preparing your data coding, formatting, anonymizing, and more Documenting your data describing your data so others can understand and use it Archiving your data finding an appropriate repository or archive Making your data discoverable promoting open access, indexing, assigning DOI’s
Examples of archived data QUL Research Data Archive
Examples of archived data QUL Research Data Archive
Examples of archived data QUL Research Data Archive
Examples of archived data QUL Research Data Archive
Archives/Repositories Queen’s Institutional Repository (DSpace software) Scholars Portal Data Archiving Tool (Harvard Dataverse software) Scholars Portal Data Discovery/Exploration Portal (Nesstar software) Or other discipline-based repository…
Discipline-specific Data Repositories Beyond Queen’s – Discipline-specific Data Repositories Full list at NIH
Discipline-specific Data Repositories Beyond Queen’s – Discipline-specific Data Repositories Full list at CIHR
PORTAGE National research data management (RDM) network Canada-wide Initiatives National research data management (RDM) network collaboration _______________ PORTAGE National collaboration between the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) and Compute Canada. Two major goals: To create centres of RDM excellence across the country To develop and support a national network of data management, leveraging repositories across the country and around the world. National collaboration with CARL and Compute Canada. Two major goals: 1. To create centres of excellence across the country that can be leaders in education research community on RDM. And 2. develop and support a national network of data management, leveraging repositories across the country and around the world.
Recap: Benefits of Research Data Management: ensure long-term preservation of data for future researchers meet grant requirements and/or produce a more competitive grant application increase the impact and visibility of your research encourage discovery and use of existing data to explore new research questions make sure your data are accurate, complete, authentic, and reliable, and reusable ensure compliance with ethics and privacy policies
If you have, or will be collecting data, CONTACT US. We can help you develop and implement your data management plan.
Contact information Jeff Moon – Data Librarian & Academic Director, Queen’s Research Data Centre Ext. 77992 Francine Berish– Geospatial Data Librarian Ext. 36952 Alex Cooper – Data and Web Support Assistant Ext. 77481