Lesson 17- The Agreeable and the Disagreeable convivial ebullience felicitious irascible placid querulous sardonic surly truculent unctuous
1. convivial (adj) Sociable; fond of feasting and good company. Related Word: conviviality Ex: Everyone liked Eddie because he had a convivial manner.
2. ebullience (noun) The quality of expressing feelings or ideas in an enthusiastic or lively manner. Related Words: ebullient; ebulliently. Ex: After a time the ebullience of the child made even the most energetic of baby sitters weary.
3. felicitous (adj) Well chosen; apt. Yielding great pleasure or delight. Related Words: felicitously; felicity. Ex: Rosalinda handled the delicate situation in a felicitous manner that was respected by everyone.
4. irascible (adj) Prone to outbursts of temper; easily angered. Characterized by or resulting from anger. Related Words: irascibility; irascibly. Ex: The irascible Squidward is one of Jo’s favorite characters.
5. placid (adj) Having an undisturbed surface or aspect; outwardly calm, composed. Self-satisfied. Related Words: placidly; placidness. Ex: Nothing ever seemed to disturb Mrs. Jone’s placid attitude.
6. querulous (adj) Given to complaining; peevish. Expressing or showing a complaint. Related Words: querulously; querulousness. Ex: The shopkeeper became tired of the customer’s querulous remarks.
7. sardonic (adj) Scornfully mocking a derisive. Related Words: sardonically Ex: Jennifer’s sardonic remarks about the standards of judging at the competition caused others to criticize her attitude.
8. surly (adj) ill-humored; gruff. Related Word: surliness. Ex: Because of his surly behavior, Gerald was not promoted as quickly as he hoped to be.
9. truculent (adj) Savage and cruel; fierce. Disposed to fight; pugnacious. Related Word: truculence; truculently. Ex: At the meeting we were shocked when one of the delegates made a truculent attack on the competence of the committee.
10. unctuous (adj) Characterized by affected, exaggerated, or insincere earnestness. Having the quality or characteristics of oil or ointment; greasy. Ex: Unfortunately, Gulf Coast animals are covered by an unctuous coating because of the oil spill.