My Parents are to the Left here. John and LaDreda Akins.
To the Left is My father Which his full name is John L. Akins Jr. Born to John L. Akins Sr. and Brenda Johnson. He is indeed from Lake Wales Born and raised. My father works at Disney World and He does Inventory Control like orders signs, tools and cool stuff like that. My father is also a D-1 Referee..
To the left is my mother LaDreda Akins. She was born to Homer Borom Sr. and Carrie Borom in Union springs, Alabama. But she was raised in Haines city, Florida. She is a teacher At Haines City High School, where she also is the Head coach of the Girls Basketball team. She attended Florida southern College in Lakeland and Played basketball. She majored in business.
My brother To the left name is Dejauhn Akins. Now me and him don’t have the same mother but we do have the same father. My brother is a college student attending PSC. He plays basketball for them as well. He was born in Bartow and Raised in Haines city.
Hello My name is Jone’ Lakeria Akins. I was born in Winter haven And I'm being raised in Winter haven even though my heart is in Haines city. I was born on March 11, 1995.I plan on going to play basketball on the next level. And plan on majoring in Psychology. I LOVE GOD! My favorite color is Purple also.