Angela Duncan
Located above the Arctic Circle Stretches from northern Scandinavia, across Russia, Siberia, Northern Alaska, and finally to Canada. Hugs the northern most ring of the planet
Generally cold and very dry Short summers 6 to 10 weeks long Never gets warmer than 50°F Cold winds continuously blow across the landscape Average temperature is around -30°F
Topsoil composed mostly of humus due to slow decomposition rates Layer of permafrost underneath Constant freezing and thawing of the soil brings rocks to the surface Polygonal pattern of stones on the surface
Vegetation: Lichens, Mosses, Grasses, Herbaceous Plants, Small Shrubs Land Animals: Grizzly Bears, Gray Wolves, Caribou, Oxen, Weasels, Lemmings, Arctic and Red Foxes, Moose Sea Animals: Walruses, Orcas, Beluga Whales, Sea Lions Birds: Snowy Owls, Golden Eagles, Bald Eagles, Arctic Geese, Puffins, Arctic Loons
Used to be the only biomes untainted by humankind Drilling for Oil Pesticides from nearby civilization Chernobyl Disaster 1986 Ukraine Great explosion of the power plant Massive amounts of radiation released (cesium- 137) Covered the Norwegian tundra in the form of rainfall Damage to the food chain