Issues and Options Consultation September 2014
Plans A Neighbourhood Plan Our vision and local planning policies Housing, Business and Employment, Tourism, Conservation Area, Community Facilities, Parish Assets Identify any new uses of land or buildings by 2027 Wealden and National Planning Policy Simple majority vote - Statutory force once adopted A Community Plan Follow on from Parish Plan 2008 Things we want to do as a Community Not “planning”
“Issues and Options” Consultation Agenda Vision Business & Tourism Policies Design Conservation Area Community facilities survey / Community organisations Housing survey “Issues and Options” Too few small houses in the parish? Planning policy approaches? Do we build more? If so, where? Assets of Community Value - which might benefit from “protection” in Neighbourhood Plan? Neighbourhood Plan Schedule
Neighbourhood Plan – Vision: Themes from April Consultation “A vibrant, thriving, sustainable, invigorated community with local facilities (shops, pubs, school, sports facilities, post office and a bus service), as well as a diverse range of housing and business units,” “A parish where young people want to and are able to afford to live or move into with jobs to keep them here/help them stay here and activities for them to participate in” “A parish incorporating and surrounded by a beautiful, green, well-protected environment” “A distinct and independent village/parish”
Neighbourhood Plan Business and Tourism Policies Proposed Policy 1 - "Evolutionary and organic growth" and "Vitality" Premises need to adapt as a business grows or changes in response to changing markets or working practices. Proposed Policy 2 - Sustainable tourism Overall the parish benefits from tourism. We support sustainable tourism (e.g. using public transport) and activities appropriate to our rural setting. Proposed Policy 3 - "Brown field" development There are sufficient existing commercial and farm unit sites in the Parish to meet business development needs without developing new green field sites. We support Local Plan policies that encourage larger businesses requiring the facilities of an industrial park to relocate to a nearby town. Proposed Policy 4 - Protection of the Ashdown Forest Interpretation of the 7km Ashdown Forest Special Protection Area should support the sustainable development necessary to ensure the vitality of our community.
Neighbourhood Plan Design Policy Proposed Policy – Design and "Green" development New development affecting the Hartfield Conservation Area should use traditional design and materials. We are open to contemporary designs with environment-friendly features in other parts of the parish.
Neighbourhood Plan Conservation Area Strong demand to retain existing conservation area boundary. Majority against designating additional conservation areas in the parish. No changes proposed Volunteers to provide input to review by Wealden District Council
Neighbourhood Plan Community Facilities April 2014 questionnaire responses to Community Facilities Survey Demonstrated strong support for existing facilities Did not demonstrate a majority in favour of providing a site or sites for any new facilities. A majority wished to see existing facilities maintained or improved Several community organisations identified shortfalls in funding Proposals No site allocation Part of Community Infrastructure Levy to be used to support existing community facilities
Neighbourhood Plan Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Levy is paid by developers granted planning consent Part passed on to Hartfield Parish 3 proposals so far: Financial support to existing community facilities – specific requests from Village Hall and St Mary the Virgin church but there will be others Provision of high speed broadband across the whole parish – if not delivered by current East Sussex County Council project. Promotion of local business through a Business Directory or Business Association
Neighbourhood Plan AiRS Housing Needs Survey Housing Needs Survey completed by 201 households Affordable Housing: 61.1% in favour of small developments of affordable housing for local people 18 respondents identified a need for affordable housing Housing for rent at Castlefield / Mottefield / Old Crown Farm / Station Cottages and almshouses at Newbridge and Holtye Consider additional provision on a “shared ownership” basis Housing for sale or rental on the open market: Shortage of smaller properties for starter homes or those downsizing 30 respondents identified a need for open market housing 53.1% in favour of small developments
Neighbourhood Plan Do we address the need? Do we want to address these shortages? Do nothing? … or Use existing – subdivision or removal of constraints on annexes Permitted development rights for agricultural building conversions Identify small sites for “new build” – brownfield / infill or close to existing development – “pepper potting” If we want new build, where should this be? Landowners approached Specific sites offered as options Affordable housing Small houses for sale or rent Or both Need “yes” or “no” to principal and to specific sites
Neighbourhood Plan Assets of Community Value Previous consultation identified assets we consider important Some already publicly owned Which privately owned assets do you consider sufficiently important to be offered to the community for purchase before being offered for sale on the open market?
Neighbourhood Plan Schedule December 2014: Draft of Neighbourhood Plan published to incorporate the specific proposals that can gain majority support. Including evidence base, analysis of conformance with planning policy and Strategic Environmental Assessment. March 2015: Planning Inspector publishes review of draft plan document. April 2015: Updates and amendments made, published as final Neighbourhood Plan. 7th May 2015: NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN REFERENDUM
Neighbourhood Plan We need your views Please fill in a form All opinions are valid We can only take forward proposals that can win majority support
Neighbourhood Plan