PATROL CAPTAIN TRAINING Training students to become competent Patrol Captains
PRIMARY ROLE: Is to help the Patroller Supervisor (teacher) manage the day-to-day patrol operations. SECONDARY ROLE: Is to provide leadership to other Safety Patrollers.
A Patrol Captain helps out by: Organizing & hosting regular patrol meetings. Keeping your Patrol Supervisor briefed on challenges. Ensure patrol positions are filled.
A Patrol Captain provides leadership by: Setting a proper example to the other Patrollers. Helping fellow Patrollers solve problems fairly, and maturely.
There are 3 steps to hosting a meeting: 1. Pick a location. 2. Choose a time and date 3. Assist with the agenda, if needed
An AGENDA is a list of topics to be discussed at a Patrol meeting.
ROLL CALL Patrollers present / absent OLD BUSINESS Follow-up on action from previous meeting NEW BUSINESS Report on any new problems and decide on a solution Assign someone to do it Discuss schedule change Advise on any up coming events CONCLUSION Pick the date for the next meeting
I PROMISE TO DO MY BEST TO…. Look, act and be alert Report for duty on time Know & perform my duties faithfully Always set a good example Never stop or direct traffic Strive to prevent injuries Earn the respect of fellow students Report dangerous practices Follow the direction of my teachers & patrol officers
Being a School Safety Patroller can be challenging. You may encounter simple problems like a child at your post/bus needs help tying a shoelace. Or an older student refusing to follow the rules, and setting a bad example for younger children. No matter what the issue is, write it down, report it to your Patrol Supervisor, they will deal with it.