Civil Air Patrol Cadet Glider Program Briefing #1 for NCSA February 13, 2010 Bob Semans Northern NV Wing CAP Glider Program Mgr.
My objective today… Identify pilots who have an interest in: –Supporting a CAP glider program at Byron
My objective today… Identify pilots who have an interest in: –Supporting a CAP glider operation at Byron –Joining CAP and qualifying as a Cadet Orientation Flight Glider Pilot
NCSA - Briefing #2 Topics NCSA - Briefing #2 Topics CAP Glider Program –History, status & current challenges How to join and get involved –Membership, training & qualification –Regulations Cadet Glider Orientation Flights
What is the Civil Air Patrol? US Air Force Auxiliary –Funded by the Air Force –Supplemented by State Grants Nationally Chartered Corporation – Non-Profit – Tax Exempt
CAP Missions Emergency Services Aerospace Education Cadet Programs
CAP Geographic Organization
The Program in Nevada Wing Glider operations based at: –Minden - serving 6 NV cadet squadrons Blanik L-23 & ASK 21 8 active O ride pilots & 6 tow pilots –Jean (Las Vegas) - serving 5 NV cadet squadrons Blanik L-23 2 active O ride pilots & 2 tow pilots
Minden CAP Glider Operations
California Wing Glider Program
Northern California Wing Cadet Squadrons Group 5 – NorCal –Placerville, Jackson, Auburn, McClellan, Beale AFB, Travis AFB, Oroville, Lathrop, Marin Group 2 – Bay Area –Concord, Hayward, San Carlos, Palo Alto, San Jose, San Francisco, Santa Cruz
Why might a glider pilot be interested? Introduce youth to aviation & soaring
Why might a glider pilot be interested? Introduce youth to aviation & soaring Increase glider activity & awareness
Why might a glider pilot be interested? Introduce youth to aviation & soaring Increased glider activity & awareness “Psychic income”
Why might a glider pilot be interested? Introduce youth to aviation & soaring Increased glider activity & awareness “Psychic income” Air Force pays for cadet orientation flights
Why might a glider pilot be interested? Introduce youth to aviation & soaring Increased glider activity & awareness “Psychic income” Air Force pays for cadet orientation flights Flying and other expenses – deductible
Why might a glider pilot be interested? Introduce youth to aviation & soaring Increased glider activity & awareness “Psychic income” Air Force pays for cadet orientation flights Flying and other expenses – deductibility CAP Gliders available for use at low rate
Why might a glider pilot be interested? Introduce youth to aviation & soaring Increased glider activity & awareness “Psychic income” Air Force pays for cadet orientation flights Flying and other expenses – deductible CAP Gliders available for use at low rate Air Force paid “Flying Opportunity”
Why might the club want to support the program?
Possible revenue source from O rides
Why might the club want to support the program? Possible revenue source from O rides Member recruiting
Why might the club want to support the program? Possible revenue source from O rides Member recruiting Tow Pilot recruiting from CAP members
Why might the club want to support the program? Possible revenue source from O rides Member recruiting Tow Pilot recruiting from CAP members Stronger glider presence at Byron A/P
Why might the club want to support the program? Possible revenue source from O rides Member recruiting Tow Pilot recruiting from CAP members Stronger glider presence at Byron A/P Focus on youth in soaring
Why might the club want to support the program? Possible revenue source from O rides Member recruiting Tow Pilot recruiting from CAP members Stronger glider presence at Byron A/P Youth in soaring opportunity ? Scholarship fund tax incentive for Directed Donations
What next for those Interested? Leave your contact information on my clip board Attend Briefing #2
NCSA - Briefing #2 Topics NCSA - Briefing #2 Topics CAP Glider Program –History, status & current challenges How to join and get involved –Membership, training & qualification –Regulations Cadet Glider Orientation Flights
Bob Semans NV CA Douglas County Composite Squadron NV-067 Minden-Tahoe Airport (MEV)