Unknown risk vehicle stop
Unknown risk vehicle stop There are two types of vehicle stops: 1. Felony 2. Unknown Risk Two ways you will become involved in an Unknown Risk Vehicle Stop: 1. self-initiated 2. dispatched
Unknown risk vehicle stop Three main considerations when projecting the location for your stop: 1. lighting 2. cover 3. traffic There are three types of approach to a violator’s vehicle: 1. Driver’s side 2. Passenger side 3. Call Back
Unknown risk vehicle stop After having a lawful reason to make a stop, projecting your stop and giving the radio traffic for your stop you will next do these actions in this order. - Turn on your emergency light (red lights) by moving the level on the light box to the #2 position - Cause a short blast from the siren by pushing the farthest right or second to the farthest right button in the long center row of buttons on the light box. - Turn on both spot lights
Unknown risk vehicle stop - Roll down both windows - Unlock both the driver side and passenger side doors - As the vehicle pulls to the right undo your seatbelt if the violator’s vehicle starts to drive off redo your seat belt - Park your vehicle 15-25 feet behind violator’s vehicle, just being able to see the violator’s rear tires over the hood is a good clue.
Unknown risk vehicle stop - Offset patrol vehicle so right side of buddy bumper is lined up with left side of violator’s vehicle - Just before opening the driver’s door check for oncoming traffic by looking in the driver’s side mirror or looking over your left shoulder - Exit patrol vehicle closing driver’s door
Unknown risk vehicle stop - Adjust driver side spot light - While adjusting driver’s side spot light evaluate activity in violator’s vehicle looking for furtive movement - Get flashlight out in weak hand - Approach driver’s side of violator’s vehicle using patrol vehicle for cover and shining flashlight into driver’s side mirror and then into vehicle as you get closer.
Unknown risk vehicle stop - Press down on truck lid or rear hatch to make sure it is closed and leaving your finger prints - Make sure the rear passenger portion of the violator’s vehicle is clear before passing. If not clear have driver roll down driver side rear window or both rear windows if two person unit. Have rear passenger place hands on rear of front seats or conduct your business here by having driver hand all paperwork back to rear passenger. When comfortable allow rear passengers to remove hands from front seats. If rear passenger portion is clear proceed to driver. In either case do not stand where door can be used to knock you into traffic.
Unknown risk vehicle stop - Ask driver to shut off vehicle and place keys on dash - Identify yourself (name and agency) to the driver and tell him/her reason for stop - Allow driver to justify reason for stop
Unknown risk vehicle stop In this manner ask driver for driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance - Do you have your driver’s license? - Without reaching for your driver’s license where is it? Allow to get license - Do you have your registration and proof of insurance? - Without reaching for it where is it? Allow to get registration and proof of insurance - Verify info on driver’s license do not ask yes & no questions. Ask DOB; have them tell you current address.
Unknown risk vehicle stop - Verify dates on proof of insurance encompass date of stop -Verify info on registration matches vehicle and driver - Ask driver to place hands on steering wheel - Verify last 4 numbers of the VIN (vehicle identification number) match registration - Allow driver to remove hands from steering wheel - Ask driver, “have you ever been arrested” “are there any weapons on your person or in the vehicle” You may ask other question if you wish but these two are mandatory. - Ask passengers “have you ever been arrested” “are there any weapons on your person” You may ask more questions but these two are mandatory.
Unknown risk vehicle stop Advice driver you are going back to your vehicle and it will be a few minutes Returns to the passenger side of your patrol vehicle do not turn your back to the violator vehicle If not using MDT do not conduct your business from behind the passenger side front door Advise “Code 4 going to admin channel” Run EVERYONE for wants and priors also, check driver’s license status of driver When done on admin channel return to your channel, advise your dispatcher you are back on channel
Unknown risk vehicle stop Return to violator’s vehicle with same caution as first approach, not checking truck or rear hatch. Advise driver what you are going to do in reference to the violation Leave encounter on positive note by saying “be careful pulling back into traffic” Start back to your vehicle, not turning back, allow violator’s vehicle to start to pull out get pack in patrol vehicle and clear from stop