We Be Loyal Scouts
A study of the Boy and his Search for Adventure and Fun Who will search the Heart of a Boy? What motivates a ten year old Boy? Does a Campfire still have the magic to draw? A Companion to share the sounds & smells The Den becomes the Patrol.
The Parent chooses to share their boy. The Parent commits to their son. The Parent delivers their son. The Parent sets the limits on their son. The Parent empowers & enables The Parent releases the son to have fun. The Parent grows independence in the son’s heart
Know Your Scouts And Have the Scouts Know You Remember: You need them & they need you Know the Parents & Make sure they know you Have a Plan Tell them Who Runs the Troop Get Parents Involved Prepare Your Troop for the Cub Scouts
Don’t Skip the Scoutmaster Conferences (Especially the First One!!!!) Remember the First Point. Know Your Scouts!
Go to Pack Meetings, Den Meetings Blue & Gold Banquets Webelos Klondike Derbies Talk to them Learn their names (as many as you can) Talk to the Younger ones! The more you know them, The more they will know you! Which leads to Point #2.
Attend some of their Den Meetings Sit down at their level and talk to them. Tell them about you, the Scoutmaster Tell them how the Troop Operates. Talk to them how their patrol will be organized Get them excited about Boy Scouts!
A Troop cannot survive without Cub Scouts crossing over each year. Therefore, you need them & don’t be afraid to tell them that!!!!! People like to feel needed & wanted, especially young Cub Scouts. Work hard to get them to Boy Scouts because, even they may not realize it yet, they need you too. They need Scouting & we need to make sure they don’t miss that once in a lifetime opportunity!
By attending the various Cub Scout events & getting to know the Cub Scouts, you will get to know their parents & they will get to know you. Parents want their children to be a part of a “successful troop” & with someone they know. This makes for a positive influence on their boy joining your Troop. They may help out by becoming an adult leader, or committee member.
When you put together your annual calendar for your unit include a plan for Webelos transition. Include visits to the pack/dens, campouts with them included, visits to the troop, etc. Set dates so nothing is overlooked. Don’t just say it, plan it! (Otherwise it might not happen.
Boy run Troop that uses the Patrol Method. If you don’t start one now! Remind the Cub Scouts and their parents that is how it will be when they Join the Troop. Cub Scouts get excited hearing THEY will elect their Patrol Leader & how they will plan their meals for campouts, hikes etc. All of this with the help of older scouts! This will help them want to be part of the Troop.
As you get to know the parents; they will get to know you. They will be more willing to get involved in the Troop as adult leaders. Make sure you don’t miss that opportunity. Some will ask to be involved; Others will wait to be asked. Make sure you ask!
Successful transition is not just getting them to join & come to the first meeting! But it also is to keep them in the Troop & make First Class in the first year. Make sure your Troop is set up to make the transition a successful one. Have some older Scouts be Troop Guides and work with the new Scouts during their first year. Have an adult be an Asst. Scoutmaster for new Scouts (whose primary responsibility would be to help the Troop Guides help the new Scouts!
Train Den Chiefs by using E-Training at my scouting.org Send Den chiefs down into the dens. Troop Guides help the Den Chiefs succeed in the dens. The Den Chiefs need to serve for two years. The Den Chiefs can elect a Troop Guide after a crossover at the B&G.
Especially the First One! Scoutmaster Conferences is a good way to know them; especially important for Tenderfoot & Second Class ranks. Take time to talk to them. Listen to what they have to say as well. This will help them to keep them in Scouting
Know your Scouts! This is so important it bears repeating. Know Your Scouts!
Highest Award in Cub Scouting Only Cub Scout Award to be worn on the Boy Scout uniform! ( Under left pocket) After earning an Arrow of Light and turning 10 years old a Cub Scout is eligible to become a Boy Scout. The term Arrow of Light is one of the terms in Cub Scouting that reflects the British background of Scouting. It refers to the Arrow Park World Jamboree in Birkenhead, England in 1929.
Describe the parts Tell their meanings The Mariner’s Compass points the way. The Scout learns to find North by the North Star & the Scout points the way to Truth & Knowledge. The Scout seeks the combination of the Tenderfoot & Second Class badges to build the First Class Badge. (On a Star, in your Heart and to fly like an Eagle!
What you do is up to you. Get them outdoors quickly! Plan a campout or a hike or both! The Troop should : Welcome the Webelos on the other side of the Bridge. Help out where possible; uniforms, etc.
The Parent brings a Scout to meetings and events. Without Parents there is no Scouts. Encouraged Parents to get Involve. A parent sleeping in a tent means a boy is most likely having fun. Our why is FTB. YIS and always FTB!
Some know of Akela as the Leader Some see him as a wolf with a Cub Scout hat. Others see him as an Indian Scout! Akela is the Leader developing in all of us. Akela had the heart of the first Scout. A Scout means: Spirit commands our understanding Truth Akela seeks out those who be seeking truth & knowledge.