BOSN4 Gale Howerton
Auxiliary Claims Act The Auxiliarist must be on orders (written or verbal; reimbursable or non-reimbursable). The damage must have been incurred within the scope and limitations of the orders. Special rules for POVs & Trailers.
POVs and Trailers When towing a facility the POV and trailer are considered equipment for which a claim may be filed… 1. Towing the vessel from it’s normal storage on a direct route to a launch ramp and return, or… 2. While the trailer is parked at the launch site.
Claim not payable Damage caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct. Auxiliarist has been reimbursed by private insurance Routine operational expense… fuel, water, supplies… Damage to, loss of, equipment which was not reasonable to possess given the assigned duties.
Claim not payable The damage is attributable to normal wear & tear or improper maintenance… The damage must be due to a specific/identifiable cause. However …….
Catastrophic Cause Coast Guard will pay a percentage only after 40 hours of use which constitutes at least 25% of facility total use. Repair cost must be 10% or greater of the value of the vessel… Anything less is considered maintenance.
Auxiliary Claimant On patrol under orders and facility is damaged. 1. Notifies operational commander of damage within 24 hours. 2. DOES NOT file orders for reimbursement or commence repairs.
Operational Commander (OIA) Acknowledges report and informs claimant of IO. Forwards auxiliary claim packet to claimant. Upon notification, attempts to assess, photograph, and document the damage… Arrangements for inspection should be made as soon as possible.
Auxiliary Claimant Fills out claim form. Attaches patrol orders, required estimates and all supporting documents. Returns the claim form back to the operational commander.
Operational Commander Reviews package and determine if further investigation is required. Authorizes repairs or executes RIK, if claim is less than $200. Forwards completed package to DIRAUX. If denied, sends advance notice to claimant to allow oppurtunity for additional explanation.
Auxiliary Claimant Repairs facility. Submits Report of Completion of Repairs to operational Commander.
DIRAUX Endorses claim package. Ensures attached: 1. Aux claim is properly filled out 2. (2) estimates for repair 3. Patrol orders 4. Offer for use form Mail to LSC for action.
Common Mistakes Causing Delays in Processing Insufficient estimates or receipts. Missing SSN. Missing signatures. No Insurance information. Orders not attached. Sent Damage Claim WS to DIRAUX instead of Operational Commander.