BEACH MAINTENANCE REIMBURSEMENT GENERAL LAND OFFICE The Texas General Land Office recognizes that citizens throughout the community and state enjoy the benefits of beach access. Through the Beach Maintenance Reimbursement Fund Program, the Land Office and local governments share in the management responsibility for our state’s beaches. Funds are reimbursed on actual expenses. 75% of funds are based on participant expenditures during the two fiscal years preceding the year for which the participant is applying for reimbursement. 25% of funds are allocated based on proportionate share of total linear footage of gulf beach, cleaned and maintained.
BEACH USER FEES GENERAL LAND OFFICE TEXAS ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TITLE 31, PART 1, CHAPTER 15, SUBCHAPTER A, RULE 15.8 A local government shall not impose a fee or charge for the exercise of the public right of access to and from public beach. A local government may charge beach user fee in exchange for providing services to beach users in general. A local government may only impose a beach user fee if the fee is reasonable taking into account the cost to the local government of providing public services and facilities directly related to the public beach. A reasonable fee is one that recovers the cost of providing and maintaining beach-related services. Any fee collected for off-beach parking to provide access to and from the public beach is further considered a beach user fee.
GOALS OF BMR & BUF Remove Beach Maintenance Cost from TAX Payers Shift expenses to GLO thru reimbursement (BMR) Implement vehicle entry fee (BUF) Expand Beach Park and Parking Area Encompass entire beach Provide less congestion Provide better beach aesthetics Increase Public Safety
State of Texas County of Galveston City of Jamaica Beach Section 584
3,260 linear feet Beach Front Approx. 3,260 linear feet
PREVIOUS BUDGET ANALYSIS BudgetExpenses , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , totals 180, ,679.96
REIMBURSEMENT ANALYSIS 10 years paid out $77, /3 could have been reimbursed $51, Previous 2 years paid out $20, /3 can be reimbursed $13, If filed prior to February 17, 2012 All expenses have been assumed by Departments within the City. Roads, Beaches, Canals Budget Police Budget
Dune Protection Plan Beach Access Plan Village of Jamaica Beach – Ordinance No – Adopted by City Council on 6 th day of December, 1993 General Land Office – Title 31. Natural Resource and Conservation – Chapter 15. Coastal Area Planning – Subchapter A. Management of the Beach/Dune System – Section 11. Certification of Local Government Dune Protection and Beach Access Plans Compliance – The proposed resolutions will be in compliance with and operate under the direction of the above accepted Dune Protection and Beach Access Plan.
Current Beach Plan 15 mile Parking Area 160 linear feet (approx) 2- Trash Receptacles 2- Dune Signs 2- Handicap Parking Buccaneer Parking Area 600 linear feet (approx) 5- Trash Receptacles 4- Dune Signs Non Parking / Non Driving Area 2,500 linear feet (approx) 9- Trash Receptacles 9- Dune Signs
PROPOSED CHANGES Park Board Director – Chief of Police Andrew McLane Transition entire beach into a park Controlled Parking along south side of dune line on beach Bollard off restricted areas (Dune Line, City Limits, Parking) Create free parking area as per GLO Regulations Provide additional public safety Extra Patrol by Galveston Beach Patrol Additional Police Patrol during peak hours Addition of Cross-trained First Responders (EMT, Lifeguard, Police)
PROPOSED CHANGES Enhanced Beach Aesthetics Provide Regular Maintenance of Beach Cleaning of large debris as necessary Relocation of seaweed to dune line during peak season Raking of beach during peak season Provide adequate signage for designated areas Free Parking Entrance Exit Soft Sand Rules and Regulations Provide adequate trash receptacles To be determined by Park Board Provide adequate facilities (Port-a-Lets) To be determined by Park Board
Surfside Entrance Regulations SignageEntrance Gate
Texas City Signage Designation of ParkRules
Institute a Beach User Fee Controlled Vehicular Access Option ASurfside Method – $10.00 per vehicle per year Issued a windshield sticker for year Option BGalveston Park Board Method – $8.00 per vehicle per entry – $50.00 season pass per vehicle Option CJamaica Beach Method – $10.00 per vehicle per entry – $30.00 season pass per vehicle (open for discussion)
Surfside Beach Controlled Access Booth
SCHEDULE March thru April Yellow= 9a-5p May thru September Green= 9a-7p
PROPOSED STAFFED DAYS March 22 days, 8 hours per day April 14 days, 8 hours per day May 16 days, 8 hours per day 52 days, 416 hours Staffed from 9a-5p June 30 days, 10 hours per day July 31 days, 10 hours per day August 19 days, 10 hours per day 80 days, 800 hours Staffed from 9a-7p
PROPOSED COST Signs$ Bollards$1, Port-a-Can$6, Trash Pick up$4, Police Officer$41, Gate Attendant$20, Total Estimated Expenses$74, This expense will be paid using the BUF proceeds
Surfside Rental PalapaPort-a-Can
Texas City Concrete Park Bench
Trash Receptacle OldProposed
Implementation of solar lighting is a possible future addition to our beautiful beach. The City of Texas City currently utilizes solar lighting along the Texas City Dike which was paid for by a grant. SOLAR LIGHTING
CONCLUSION We would like to remind you of the costs that the City of Jamaica Beach has always budgeted for and assumed, for maintaining the Public Beach. If the Beach Maintenance Reimbursement can be implemented, these costs can be reimbursed by the State of Texas which will allow the currently budgeted funds to be released and used elsewhere. If the Beach User Fee can be approved, monies generated therein can be kept in a separate fund for out beach only. The City of Galveston has multiple access controlled beaches and is instituting paid parking on the seawall. By doing this we feel that if we do not prepare, our beaches will be flooded with the tourists of Galveston.