2.007 County Sheriff Kelly Rowe
County Sheriff TheOffice of The Office of Phase II: 2.007
Objectives Summarize History Describe Constitutional and Current Legal Authority Explain Basic Responsibilities Discuss Key Issues
Constitutional Authority Office supersedes similar office of Spanish and Mexican rule 1836 Congress of the Republic Civil War Texas Constitution of 1876 Peace Officer Status
Current Legal Authority Texas Constitution Article 5, Section 23 Proposition 5
Assuming Office Oath of Office Bond T.C.L.E.O.S.E.
Primary Responsibilities Law Enforcement Operations in all unincorporated areas within the County Detention Operations Managing budgets for all key areas of responsibility In certain counties based on population may act as Tax Assessor/Collector
Legal Enforcement jurisdiction Laws of the State of Texas Penal Code Family Code Transportation Code Local Codes and Ordinances
Law Enforcement Patrol Criminal Investigations Persons and Property Crimes Narcotics Fugitive Warrant Service, Transportation and Extradition Civil Process Service 911, Dispatch and communications Courthouse Security
Animal Control Environmental
Other possible considerations SWAT K-9 Interdiction Training Academy Emergency Management Aviation EOD Fleet management Records Crime Prevention Cooperation with State and Federal Agencies DPS, TABC, P&W FBI DEA ATF ICE and Border Patrol U.S. Marshals Secret Service
Records and Reporting Registration and Data Collection Racial Profiling Reports Uniform Crime Reports Inmate Tracking TCIC & NCIC Sex Offender Registration Victims Services/Victims Notification Everyday (VINE)
“Keeper of the Jail” Maintaining a safe and secure jail, in compliance with TCJS, for those lawfully committed Managing inmate population/ overcrowding Recitivism ALOS Alternatives to incarcerations Bail Bonds
Other considerations Contract/required services Food service Medical, Mental Health, Dental Commissary Inmate telephone Religions, Educational, Rehabilitative and Re-entry programming Working Inmates
Budgeting and Financial General Fund Operating budgets Law Enforcement and Jail Other supplemental, Courthouse Security and Inmate Transportation Sheriff’s Office funds Seized and Forfeited assets Commissary proceeds
Global Issues Parole/Blue Warrant inmates in Texas County Jails Funding for MHMR, TDCJ and mental health services Mental health/special needs impact Direct/indirect affects of addictions Gangs Border Security Homeland Security
Targeted legislation Unfunded mandates Grants(here today, gone tomorrow) Competing for resources
Review History Constitutional Authority Current Legal Authority Basic Responsibilities Issues