Crandall Canyon Shaft Project PLATEAU MINING CORPORATION
Crandall Shaft Depths About 3 ¼ LDS Church Office Buildings
Crandall Shaft Volumes Both Shaft approx. 46,000 yds Cat 797 haul Trucks (290 yd Capacity)
Liability for Caps Source: USDA, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Mine Shaft and Adit Closing, July 2000 Enclosures, gates, and caps shall be used only where periodic inspection and maintenance is ensured through a maintenance agreement with a responsible government entity, landowner, or organization.” “Shafts shall be closed with plugs only if another practical solution is not available.”
Permanent Closure of Mines Source: Openings Hazards and Remediation Handbook - Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources P. 11 & P.22 Long Term Closure- Concrete caps & Bulkheads Effective 30 to 50 years The installation should be monitored, however, as over time, the concrete will deteriorate, steel reinforcing will corrode and/ or the mine openings may cave or subside. Permanent Closure Backfilling Closure through blasting
Innovative use of existing Technology for Western Coal ISSUE: Very little experience with filling large, deep shafts
Innovative use of existing Technology for Western Coal Many issues to deal with Size of Shaft Depth of Shaft Methane Water in the shaft Underground issues unknown Pipes Landings Elevator guide rails Seals
Size of Shaft Large Track Hoes Used Multiple Machines Required Spotters
Depth of Shaft Material Handling Move Material with scrapers Use Hoes, and dozers for filling Ventilation Dump material versus convey Provides ventilation
Methane Issue 1.8% in Exhaust Shaft Up to 7.5% in Intake Shaft Mechanical Ventilation of Shaft Would Ventilation circuit remain in-tact
Methane Resolution Monitor prior to removal of caps <3% remove exhaust (20’) cap Allow to ventilate <3 % remove intake winze next to (26’) cap Dump material to provide mechanical Ventilation Monitor at top of shaft
Water in Shaft Determine depth of water FOUND Could cause closure of ventilation circuit Could cause more material to be used Provided for safety in lower part of shaft
Structural Issues Summary The bottom 50’ of shaft stabilized w/ broken concrete Broken Concrete through mined Seams Clay plug to seal water and methane
Other Issues Could not cut guide rails at top of shaft. Landings/ pipes may provide for bridging. Steel in shaft could cause for ignition of >5% Methane concentrations
Intake Headframe from Exhaust Shaft Prior to Reclamation
Intake Shaft Headframe & Hoist
Removing Exhaust Cap
Moving Fill Material
Filling Exhaust Shaft
Exhaust Shaft filled/Collar Exposed
Intake Shaft Filled & Collar Demo
Rough Grade at Intake Shaft
Checking Streambed Grade near exhaust shaft
Stream Grade Complete Top Soil Placement
Intake Shaft, Final Reclamation
Crandall Canyon Shaft Project Permanent Reclamation PLATEAU MINING CORPORATION