Project Update August 2011
Gortmore TMF Phase 1 completed December 2008 by Priority Construction Ltd. Phase 2 completed June 2010 by SIAC Construction Ltd. The successful capping and vegetation of the TMF addresses any public health concerns in relation to dust blows from the previously exposed contaminated surface of the TMF. A Monitoring Plan to facilitate sustainable management of the TMF has been drafted and is under review.
Minor Remediation Works Works commenced on 16 th August 2010 and cert of substantial completion issued in Feb Works completed in Ballygown, Magcobar, Gorteenadiha, Garryard and Shallee focused mainly on the health and safety aspects of the disused mine sites with the back filling of shafts and erection of fencing and reducing surface water contamination by construction of diversion channels.
Ballygown - Erosion control at Calamine workings (Silvermines Stream-earthworks/rock armour); - Opencast pit – C&D fill from Shallee/Macgobar/Hostel and Ballygown clean up; -Fence off old hand dressing areas and allow for local footpaths complete - Shaft Safety Works complete
Ballygown 2 Improvements to the Fair Green Drain complete New Entrance to Engine House - complete
Magcobar - Repair fencing + signage around open cast pit complete - Demolition of surface structures (including crusher) complete - Fencing of mine heritage areas complete - Waste rock at Dump A –Remedial works to stabilise complete - Backfill sinkhole complete
Garryard/Gorteenadiha Knight Shaft – linked to Gorteenadiha – diversion drain constructed at Gorteenadiha to reduce flows from Knight shaft by 80% Protection of old mine areas by fencing Repair works to subsidence zone perimeter fencing Fencing to settlement lagoons at Garryard Demolish old Hostel building
Shallee Scrap metal removal completed. Fencing of open pits and shaft areas. Kings House and associated buildings have been fenced off Stream diversions to divert water away from open pits complete Shaft Safety Works complete
Garryard Passive Treatment System Part 8 planning granted on 17 th May Section 4 Discharge licence granted 18 th November. Tenders received from contractors in July 2010
Garryard Mine Waste Mgmt Facility 1 EIS submitted to ABP 12 th February 2010, NTCC is planning applicant. Waste Licence application is awaiting submission to EPA.
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