The Leg Muscles BIO 238 Instructor: Dr. Gourdine 1
LE 8-7 Ilium Right coxal bone, lateral view Anterior gluteal line Right coxal bone, medial view Ischium Pubis POSTERIOR ANTERIOR Pubis Ischium ANTERIORPOSTERIOR Ilium Posterior gluteal line Posterior superior iliac spine Posterior inferior iliac spine Greater sciatic notch Ischial spine Lesser sciatic notch Ischial tuberosity Ischial ramus Obturator foramen Inferior ramus of pubis Pubic tubercle Pectineal line Superior ramus of pubis Acetabulum Anterior inferior iliac spine Inferior gluteal line Anterior superior iliac spine Iliac crest Iliac fossa Auricular surface for articulation with sacrum Posterior superior iliac spine Posterior inferior iliac spine Greater sciatic notch Ischial spine Lesser sciatic notch Ischial tuberosity Ischial ramus
LE 8-8 SACRUM COCCYX ILIUM PUBIS ISCHIUM Coxal bone (Figure 8–7) Iliac fossa SACRUM L5L5 Sacral foramina Acetabulum Pubic tubercle Obturator foramen ISCHIUM COCCYX PUBIS ILIUM Pubic symphysis Posterior inferior iliac spine Posterior superior iliac spine Iliac crest Anterior view Posterior view L5L5 L4L4 Ischial tuberosity Ischial spine Greater sciatic notch
LE 8-11 Greater trochanter Shaft Neck Lateral epicondyle Patellar surface Lateral condyle Anterior surface Posterior surface Lateral condyle Lateral epicondyle Popliteal surface Neck Greater trochanter Femoral head Intertrochanteric line Lesser trochanter Adductor tubercle Medial epicondyle Medial condyle Intertrochanteric crest Gluteal tuberosity Pectineal line Linea aspera Intercondylar fossa
LE 8-12 Lateral facet, for lateral condyle of femur Apex of patella Attachment area for quadriceps tendon Anterior view Base of patella Articular surface of patella Posterior view Attachment area for patellar ligament Medial facet, for medial condyle of femur
LE 8-13 Posterior viewAnterior view Lateral tibial condyle Head of fibula Medial tibial condyle Tibial tuberosity Soleal line Anterior margin Lateral tibial condyle Head of fibula Lateral malleolus (fibula) Medial malleolus (tibia) Lateral malleolus (fibula) FIBULA TIBIA
LE 8-14 Calcaneus Distal phalanx Cuboid Superior view, right foot Lateral Medial view, right foot Proximal phalanx Middle phalanx Proximal phalanx Distal phalanx Calcaneus Trochlea of talus Intermediate Medial Talus Navicular Cuneiform bones Metatarsal bones TalusNavicular Metatarsal bones Medial cuneiform Transverse arch Longitudinal arch Phalanges Hallux V IV I II III
Knee Flexion and Extension 8
Knee Lateral and Medial Rotation 9
Ankle Inversion and Eversion 10
Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion 11
Quadriceps Femoris (pg 306) Rectus femoris ▫O-Anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS), ▫I-Tibial tuberosity (via the patella and patellar ligament) ▫A-Extension of knee, assists flexion of femur at hip 12 Figure 11–20b
Quadriceps Femoris (pg 306) Vastus medialis ▫O- Medial lip of linea aspera on posterior femur ▫I- Tibial tuberosity (via the patella and patellar ligament) ▫A- Knee extension 13
Quadriceps Femoris (pg 306) Vastus lateralis ▫O- Lateral lip of linea aspera, gluteal tuberocity and greater trochanter of femur ▫I- Tibial tuberosity (via the patella and patellar ligament) ▫A- Knee extension 14
Quadriceps Femoris (pg 306) Vastus intermedius ▫O- Anterior and lateral femoral shaft ▫I- Tibial tuberosity (via the patella and patellar ligament) ▫A- Knee extension 15
Hamstrings (pg 313) Biceps femoris ▫O-Long head: Ischial tuberosity; Short head: lateral lip of linea aspera ▫I-Head of fibula ▫A-Both heads: flexion of knee, lateral rotation of flexed knee; Long head: extension of hip, assist with lateral rotation of the hip. 16 Figure 11–20a
Hamstrings (pg 313) Semitendinosus ▫O-Ischial tuberosity ▫I-Proximal, medial tibial shaft ▫A-Extension of hip, flexion of knee, medial rotation of flexed knee, assist in medial hip rotation 17
Hamstrings (pg 313) Semimembranosus ▫O-Ischial tuberosity ▫I-Posterior medial tibial condyle ▫A-Extension of hip, flexion of knee, medial rotation of flexed knee, assist in medial hip rotation 18
Knee Flexor (pg 375) Popliteus ▫O-Lateral condyle of femur ▫I-Posterior proximal tibial shaft ▫A-Flexion and medial rotation of knee 19 Figure 11–21a,b
Pg 324 Tensor fasciae latae ▫O- Iliac crest ▫I- Iliotibial tract ▫A- Flexion, medial rotation, and abduction of hip 20 Figure 11–19a,b
Pg 326 Sartorius ▫O- Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) ▫I- Proximal, medial shaft of tibia ▫A- Flexion, abduction and lateral rotation of the hip; Flexion and medial rotation of knee 21
Ankle Extensors (pg 371) Gastrocnemius ▫O- Condyles of femur ▫I- Calcaneus via Achilles (calcaneal) tendon ▫A- Plantarflexion of ankle, assists flexion of knee 22 Figure 11–21a,b
Ankle Extensors (pg 371) Soleus ▫O- Soleal line: proximal, posterior surface of tibia, posterior aspect of head of fibula ▫I- Calcaneus via Achilles tendon ▫A- Plantarflexion of ankle 23 Figure 11–21a,b
Ankle Extensors (pg 376) Peroneus (Fibularis) longus ▫O- Head and lateral shaft of fibula ▫I- Base of first metatarsal, medial cuneiform ▫A- Eversion and plantar flexion of ankle 24 Figure 11–21a,b
Ankle Extensors (pg 376) Peroneus (Fibularis) brevis ▫O- Lateral shaft of fibula ▫I- Tuberosity of 5th metatarsal ▫A- Eversion and plantar flexion of ankle 25 Figure 11–21a,b
Ankle Flexor (pg 379) Tibialis anterior ▫O-Lateral condyle and laterial shaft of tibia, interosseous membrane ▫I-Base of 1st metatarsal and medial cuniform ▫A-Dorsiflexion and inversion of ankle 26 Figure 11–21a,b
Digital Extensors (pg 379) Extensor digitorum longus ▫O- Lateral condyle of tibia, proximal 2/3 of anterior shaft of fibula ▫I- Middle and distal phalanges of 4 lateral toes ▫A- Extension of 2 nd through 5 th toes, dorsiflexion and eversion of ankle. 27 Figure 11–21a,b