MITCalc Mechanical, Industrial and Technical Calculations Training materials
History, future New solution for mechanical engineers New solution for mechanical engineers On the market from November 2003 On the market from November 2003 Worldwide activities Worldwide activities International standards support International standards support Multilanguage - EN,DE,CZ,ZH (FR,PT,ES,IT) Multilanguage - EN,DE,CZ,ZH (FR,PT,ES,IT) Fast growing number of calculations Fast growing number of calculations
Calculations Design and check (ANSI,DIN,ISO..) Design and check (ANSI,DIN,ISO..) Groups of calculations Groups of calculations –Beams, shafts, profiles, buckling –Gears, belts, chains, bearings, transmission –Bolted connection, shaft connection –Springs (compression, tension, torsion…15 types) –Tools, (technical formulas, tables…) –Tolerances, tolerance analysis
Supported CAD systems SolidWorks (2001Plus … 2008) SolidWorks (2001Plus … 2008) Solid Edge (15, 16, 17, 18) Solid Edge (15, 16, 17, 18) Pro/ENGINEER Pro/ENGINEER Autodesk Inventor (5.3 … 11.0) Autodesk Inventor (5.3 … 11.0) –Model insertion –Change of dimension after recalculate 2D output 2D output –DXF file –AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, IntelliCAD……
Environment - MS Excel General knowledge, User interface General knowledge, User interface Open solution, Complex solution Open solution, Complex solution Sharing of information, Communication Sharing of information, Communication
User Interface Logical order of calculation (top-to-bottom layout) Logical order of calculation (top-to-bottom layout) The “Expert Notes” system The “Expert Notes” system Recalculation after change Recalculation after change Automatic design Automatic design Minimum expert knowledge needed Minimum expert knowledge needed
User Interface