The Views AP Lateral Internal Oblique External Oblique
Things You Should Know Cassette Size 10 x 12 lengthwise One view per cassette Shield Marker Measures 11 Hold Still 70@5
Part Position for AP Done in the table bucky Patient in Supine position on table Align knee mid-line of table Rotate foot internally 3 -5 degrees for true AP
CR perpendicular Tibial platea 40 SID ½” Distal to apex of patella
CR ANGLE DIFFERENCE Measure the distance from ASIS to table 19-24 Average Patient perpendicular 25-up Above average Patient 5 degrees cephalad Below 19 Below Average 5 degrees caudad.
Our CR Angle For our comp we will shoot straight in So our distance will be 40 DON’T FORGET TO LINE BUCKY
Seen on Radiograph The distal femur The proximal tib/fib The femorotibial joint open The intercondylar eminence in its fossa. The fibular head imposed by tibia
Lateral Knee 10 x 12 cassette lengthwise Shield Marker Measure 10
Part Position for Lateral Roll patient up on affected side Flex knee 20 degrees Align knee to mid-line of table. Align the epicondyles perpendicualr to film so they are superimposed. Patella plane perpendicular to Film.
CR 5-7 degrees cepalad 1 inch below epicondyles SID 40 Distance 39
Seen on Radiograph The distal femur and patella in profile The femoral epicondyles superimposed. Proximal tib/fib
Medial oblique 10 x 12 cassette lengthwise Shield Marker Hold still Measures 10
Part position for medial Patient supine Align center knee with mid-line to table Internally rotate leg 45 degrees.
CR Perpendicular SID 40 ½ in distal to patella apex
Seen on Radiograph The proximal tib/fib with no imposition of head and neck of fibula. Patella imposing the medial condyle of femur Lateral and medial joint spaces open. Lateral condyle of femur and tibia are seen
Lateral Oblique 10 x 12 cassette lengthwise Shield Marker Hold still
Part Position for lateral Patient supine on table Knee align to mid-line of table Rotate knee 45 degrees externally.
CR Perpendicular SID 40 ½ in distal to apex of patella
Seen on Radiograph Proximal fibular imposed by the tibia Half of patella free of imposition from lateral condyle. Medial condyle and tibia in profile Distal femur
The lower leg Tib/fib
the Views AP Lateral
Things to know Cassette size: 14 X 17 turned diagonally one cassette per view Shield Marker Measures 10
Part position for AP Patient Supine on table Place shield over lap leg fully extended place leg in true AP position for knee and ankle Femoral condyles parallel to IR foot flexed to 90 degree (TOES up) include both joints (knee & ankle) IR.
Central Ray 40 SID perpendicular to mid-leg Collimate to skin borders on lateral and medial sides. Leave collimation open from top to bottom ** can go up to 44 or 48 SID to include more of part**
Seen on Radiograph The entire tibia and fibula both ankle and knee joint the condyles of tibia and femur in profile the intercondylar eminence centered in the intercondylar fossa some imposition of distal and proximal tib/fib
Lateral Tib/Fib 14 X 17 diagonally shield Marker
Part position for lateral Patient on side with injured side down flex knee about 45 degree to ensure true lateral plane of patella should be perpendicular to IR opposite leg behind injured one both joints included on IR
40 SID
Central Ray perpendicular to mid-leg collimation to skin borders on sides open fully top to bottom ** can go up to 44 or 48**
Seen on Radiograph Entire tib/fib both joints tibial tuberosity in profile fibula head imposed by tibia distal fibula imposed on posterior portion of tibia femoral condyles superimposed.
!!!Important Note!!!! If you can not fit entire leg on on film... You must include the joint nearest the injury on the film and take a separate picture of the other joint.